What tools/apps do you usually use in manipulating your photographs?
I primarily use Adobe Lightroom, which I’ve found can do just about everything I need except for compositing, for which I use Photoshop CS5.

Do you have a particular style or theme that you maintain in all your works?
I try and retain maximum possible realism in all of my work, unless the project I’m working on specifically has a style contract that calls for something else. I try to recreate what my eye sees without using “traditional” HDR or similar techniques. I tend to favour wide lenses and big scenes.

Are there any new medium or techniques that you’re exploring now?
Nothing too exciting at the moment, just refining some printing techniques, and I’m always trying slightly different ways of blending images in photoshop.

Are you working on any new series ?
Aside from continuing my Unrealistic Scenes series, which I plan to do for the forseeable future, I’ve completed a few pieces from a series that I’ve started that is rooted in ideas of enlightenment and the sometimes-questionable paths that people might choose to pursue it. The series is inspired by popular culture, such as the music of Tool and King Crimson, and the Hyperion Cantos novels by Dan Simmons, to name just a few things. I’m currently on vacation though, so it’ll be a little while before you start to see more images from it! Im taking a well-deserved break!

Can you share some tips and tricks you use or any advice in getting magnificent photographs?
Take inspiration from everything, and write down ideas when you have them so you can build on them later. Get as much as you can done in camera, don’t be afraid to invest time and production into a shoot, you will save lots of time in post work, and your images will be better for it!

More Information about Nathan Spotts
Website: https://www.natespotts.com/
Behance Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/nathanspotts
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