Looking to emulate the Instagram photo effects? Then try out these new Instant Hipster Photoshop actions by SparkleStock. They look almost identical but what’s exciting is that these actions use only a few layers; this means super fast processing, organized layers, and higher image quality! The actions even let you pick the effect quickly by prerendering the effects as snapshots.

Instant Hipster Actions Preview

These are the first Photoshop actions by SparkleStock and they make your photos look like it was shot with Instagram.

Instant Hipster - 10 Retro Photoshop Actions

This free download gives you access to 10 Photoshop actions. If you’re a SparkleStock member, you get access to all 19 of them!

10 Retro Effects

This Photoshop action set creates snapshots so that you can instantly switch between the effects with one click – a huge time saver.

Instant Previews with Snapshot Rendering

Try these actions and you’ll be surprised how few layers it creates – most only use 2 layers! You will not find a raster layer in here – even some of the tricky vignettes are smartly created using a combination of gradients. This is a much harder way to create photo effects but the benefits are faster processing and maximum image quality.

Fast processing, nondestructive, and minimal layers

These actions can easily be toned down by adjusting the opacity. They’re great for wedding photos, corporate shots, and more. Want something new? Try combining any two actions for even more effects!

Easily lower the opacity for a more natural look

Download Instagram Photoshop Actions

Free Version

  • Amaro
  • Mayfair
  • Hudson
  • Valencia
  • X-Pro II
  • Willow
  • Sutro
  • Hefe
  • Nashville
  • 1977


Pro Version

  • Amaro
  • Mayfair
  • Hudson
  • Valencia
  • X-Pro II
  • Willow
  • Sutro
  • Hefe
  • Nashville
  • 1977
  • Rise
  • Lo-Fi
  • Earlybird
  • Toaster
  • Brannan
  • Inkwell
  • Walden
  • Kelvin
  • Slumber
  • Crema
  • Ludwig
  • Aden
  • Perpetua

Buy from SparkleStock

Looking for Instagram Lightroom Presets?

If you want to use these Instagram effects in Adobe Lightroom, then check out Instant Hipster for Lightroom. They are the most realistic Instagram Lightroom presets on the market.

86 responses to “Freebie: 10 Instagram Photoshop Actions”

  1. gonzalez Avatar


  2. Will Avatar

    Why no moon filter?

  3. tamu Avatar


  4. Alyona Avatar

    Hello! Help me, please! I downloaded free actions, but i can’t install them. Every time, i try, i’ve got a massage “The object is not currently avaliable”. I’ve already checked mode section, it’s tick with RGB color and 8bit/Chanel. What else can i do?

  5.  Avatar

    hey how can i install it in cs6..? can u help…

  6.  Avatar

    hey there! I just downloaded this last night and went through the motions to apply a filter on a photo and its saying that the make and layer. are currently not available for each and every filter and it won’t work :/

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      Check to see if your image is in RGB mode in the Image > Mode menu

  7. TheArkDesigner Avatar

    :D thx

  8. Safi Sarkar Avatar
    Safi Sarkar

    Really fantastic and mind blowing instagram Photoshop action. thanks for share.

  9. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Wow! This is one awesome collection. One of my favorites I have seen in a long time. Thanks for sharing.

  10. photo girl Avatar
    photo girl


    I tried downloading the free lite version and it does NOT work. I have CS3 on my iMac. When I hit the “play” button it says “these actions or filters are not available at this time”. Please help! thanks

  11.  Avatar

  12. kate Avatar

    when opened the adobe ps cs6, where the photoshop instagram action location ?

  13. charlie Avatar


  14. Cherry Avatar

    Photoshop CS4 is available for Action installation?

  15. Maggie Avatar

    Perfect! Worked well in CS6. Thanks for sharing!

    1.  Avatar

      how to install it?

  16. Ivan Avatar

    How do i install it :C ?

  17. Andrew Avatar

    Tried installing it and following the instructions. I loaded the 10 effects to the action dashboard. Here’s the issue I get:
    The object action “amaro” is not currently available.

    It seems that this happens for the rest of them as well, such as Mayfair and Hudson.

    What am I doing wrong?

    1. photo girl Avatar
      photo girl

      I get the same issue! NOT available for ALL! what do we do?

  18. janineb Avatar

    Thanks so much!

  19. mike Avatar

    downloaded the file, ran it and can’t seem to the find the action named “19 Retro Actions.atn” anywhere on my computer. Please help me get this installed…

  20. Jaime Avatar

    Hello, how is called the source with which it is written “10 retro ps actions?

  21. Jaime Avatar

    Hola, ¿como se llama la fuente con la que esta escrito “10 retro ps actions?


  22. SH Avatar

    I just purchased the Pro $4, checked my dropbox, a folder was created but i haven’t got any files in it. Appreciate your soonest response.

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Hi SH,

      I haven’t tried the Dropbox feature yet but I think it takes awhile for it to sync. You can download the files anytime from your Purchases page at https://creativemarket.com/account/purchases (Be sure to login first)

  23. tyjaee Avatar

    i love you today

  24. majd Avatar

    hey please where I copy the file downloaded in Photoshop file ???
    thank you

  25. Jen Avatar

    These are really helpful, thanks so much for sharing!

  26. John Avatar

    These are great – many thanks!

  27.  Avatar


  28. Crowngfx Avatar

    How do you add these? I’m quite confused. I have it downloaded but don’t know what to do with it. Please comment back.

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      There’s an instructions file with the instructions. Here’s what it says:

      Go to Window > Actions. Click on the panel menu (top-right corner of the panel) then click Load Actions. Browse for the “Instant Hipster – 19 Retro Actions.atn” file then click Load.
      In your Actions panel (Window > Actions), click on the Instant Hipster by SparkleStock folder. Select the “Play All Actions” action then click on the play button on the bottom of your Actions panel.
      After the action is done processing, all the effects will be prerendered as snapshots in your History panel (Window > History). Click on any of the snapshot to apply the filter.
      You can lower the opacity of the layers or layer group to reduce the effects.

  29.  Avatar

    I love them. thanks so much! they are working fine in CS6

  30. Adidas Avatar

    Sorry ignore previous – didn’t realise you need to have a document open. What a goon. Thanks for the freebie.

  31. Adidas Avatar

    When I try playing the Play All Actions folder (CS6), I get error messages that say things like, ‘The command “make” is not currently available. Any suggestions?

  32. i_chan Avatar

    Hello! im on CS3 and it kept “play all actions” didn’t work even after downloading the newer version. Kept saying that all object is currently unavailable, eventhough playing the individual actions works fine? Wondering if you could help :)

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Check to see if you’re in RGB mode by going to Image > Mode > RGB Color and Image > Mode > 8-bit.

  33. bb Avatar

    A woman in swimsuit 2 photos
    Compensation want to get a picture that was used for testing.
    Instagram want to see the difference.

    How not to match.

  34. Maria Vig Avatar
    Maria Vig

    Which action did you use for the wedding photo effect? I would like to achieve the same.

  35. Rudolf Avatar

    These are the best instagram actions. I downloaded a couple but none could come to these

  36. Christel Avatar

    Tried it in CS3 all working and great fun!

  37. PD Avatar

    Thank you for this free download! Works great on CC.

  38. Joe Black Avatar
    Joe Black

    I got many error messages like
    the command “create” does not exist
    the obkect layer “amaro” is not availabale…

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Check to see if your document is in 8-bit RGB mode by going to Image > Mode menu

  39. Ben Avatar

    Wow!!! Thanks a lot these are all great and will certainly come in handy! The best thing is that you can keep all the image quality unlike using Instagram us they down grade all there photos uploaded!

  40. hamm Avatar

    not working for my cs6. it downloads, i click the play all and then the play button and pop ups keep saing the the commands and all that are not working. :-(

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      IS your photo in RGB mode? You can check by going to Image > Mode > RGB Color.

  41. ryu Avatar

    thnx very much for this wonderful actions helps alot…more power to you all guy..big fun here from japan..

  42. Josh Avatar

    I’ll play with that and see if I can get similar results, then report back. Thank you.

  43. Josh Avatar

    I’m on mobile right now so I don’t have access to this quite yet – but, just wanted to know if it has the little light effect from instagram? I’ve been using this on IG a lot lately, I’m not sure exactly what it does but it does brighten a picture and make the contrast colors really pop without them darkening. Is this action in here, or can it be made some time? Thanks.

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      It doesn’t have that feature but you can use the Shadow/Highlights tool (Image > Adjustments > Shadow/Highlights) to achieve something similar for now.

  44. Alyson Avatar

    They keep saying ‘not the right kind of document.’

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Try going to Image > Mode to see if your document is in RGB mode.

      That error is usually related to RAW files. Which action are you trying to run?
      Here’s Adobe’s help on your error: http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/troubleshoot-camera-raw-photoshop-photoshop.html

  45. ivonne Avatar

    Muchas gracias, genial tu aporte!

  46. Tamas Barta Avatar
    Tamas Barta

    Nice job, nice results. Appreciate your work on this.

  47. alanood --122 Avatar
    alanood –122


  48. Mandi Avatar

    Only got 9 actions from the download and “Early bird” action I was actually looking for was not included :(

  49. Virginia Avatar

    Hey thanks for the freebies!!! They work great in CS06.
    Thank you very much!!! :)

  50. Igor Avatar

    Hi ….

    with every Download I did …i recieve always “The command “Make” is not currently available.”

    Macbook wit PS CS5 extended.

    What I am doing wrong?

    Thanks for replying and compliements!!!

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Are you in RGB mode (Image > Mode > RGB Color)?

  51. Dima Avatar


  52. evadraga Avatar

    Thank you so much. It’s working for me!
    :) bye

  53. Chintamani Avatar

    Very nice!……

  54. Jacqueline Deslauriers Avatar
    Jacqueline Deslauriers

    Je l’adore. Merci beaucoup!!

  55. usama kallouche Avatar
    usama kallouche

    this website is rubbish the horrific pictures that gives me cringes

    1. B Turner Avatar
      B Turner

      That’s not very nice. This website is giving downloads and tutorials to you free. How can you complain?

    2. Raul Avatar

      Either you have no sense of design or you are just jelouus you cannot do great things. If you dont like it leave. I think these are amazing and work well for me.

  56. Kris Avatar

    Gave these a try and awesome! I love it

    1. Stanley Lui Avatar
      Stanley Lui

      I also gave these a try and yes it is awesome indeed. Did my own little test with the real Instagram app and the effects are a 99% match. My question now is how did they clone the presets so accurately?

  57. bquelhas Avatar

    Great simple tutorial, as always. If you dont mind me asking, what is the name of the font used in those white textboxes?

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Hi bquelhas! It’s Bebas Neue with some rectangles added behind the text.


  58. Cannot create smart object Avatar
    Cannot create smart object

    Hello. I am using Photoshop 7 and it says it cannot create smart object on a few of the actions including the Play All.

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      You’ll need Adobe Photoshop CS2 or newer to use these actions. Most work with Photoshop 7 but the ones with the fancy vignetting uses Smart Objects (Not in PS7).

  59. Linda Davis Avatar
    Linda Davis

    These look great thank you.

  60. Ermanno Avatar

    I tried again and they work now! Thanks!

  61. Elmer Avatar

    Would love to see these as lightroom presets!

    1. Natalia Villafañe Avatar
      Natalia Villafañe

      They do! The lightroom presets are for sale on creativemarket.com but it cost more than the photoshop actions and they don’t have free version. The photoshop actions are 98-100% accurate (I tested it to the photos from my iphone)……. I know it is amazing….. but lightroom presets are only around 90-95% accurate.

  62. Mark Avatar

    Not working for me either. just downloaded them 03.01 at 4pm (CST)

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Hi Mark,

      Thanks for letting me know about this! Can you try downloading it again? We updated the file just a few mins ago. Your browser might be downloading the same file already on your computer. Try downloading it from here instead: http://bit.ly/Z7uFJs

      Also, remember to delete the old actions before loading the new one!

  63.  Avatar

    Thank you but I downloaded them right now and they don’t work properly on PS CS6. Curves layers have no settings

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Thanks for trying them! Which action were you trying to run? I can’t seem to get them to not work on my computer.

    2. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor


      I found the problem! The file has been updated and it should work now. Please try downloading it again :)

  64.  Avatar

    thanks but can’t get to work with CS3

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Sorry about that but thanks for trying them! We updated it recently to fix the “Play all actions” feature and it should be working now – try downloading it again and loading the new actions.

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