The best way to convert your photos into B&W is with these Photoshop actions by SparkleStock. They let you emulate B&W films from Agfa, Kodak, Fuji, and more. This B&W action pack contains 8 film emulations, 6 film contrast effects, and 2 real film grain textures. Download them today!
B&W Film Emulations
There are many ways to convert your photos to B&W and these actions simplify the process for you. The action is split into four parts: film emulation, contrast effects, color filter, and film grain. To use these actions, you would run the film emulations first to simulate the B&W films, pick the one you like, then run the next actions to render film contrast effects, simulate color filters, and apply real film grain. Because these actions use snapshot prerendering, you can switch between the effects without playing another action – this saves you a lot of time!

Here are some before and after photos processed with Silver. The first one is processed with the Ilford Delta and LC+2 action and the second is processed with the Fuji Neopan and LC action.

These actions are easy to use and all the emulations are prerendered for you so that you can easily switch between the effects without playing another action. The action shown is the video is the premium version which includes 28 instead of 8 film emulations.
Download the B&W Film Emulation Photoshop Actions
Free Version
- Agfa APX
- Fuji Neopan
- Ilford Delta
- Kodak HIE
- Kodak T-MAX
- Polaroid 672
- 5 Color Filters
- 2 Contrast Styles
- Real Film Grains (Kodak T-MAX 400 & Kodak T-MAX P3200)
Pro Version
- Agfa APX
- Fuji Neopan
- Ilford Delta
- Kodak HIE
- Kodak T-MAX
- Polaroid 672
- Rollei Retro 80s
- Agfa Isopan Record
- Agfa Scala
- Fuji Neopan Acros
- Ilford Delta Acros
- Ilford HP5
- Ilford HP5 Plus
- Ilford SFX
- Ilford XP2 Super
- Ilford PAN F Plus
- Kodak T-MAX P3200
- Kodak Technical Pan
- Kodak TRI-X
- Konica Infrared 750nm
- Polaroid 664
- Polaroid 667
- Rollei IR
- Rollei Ortho
- Rollei Retro 100 Tonal
- 5 Color Filters
- 5 Contrast Styles
- Real Film Grains (Fuji Neopan Acros 100, Kodak TRI-X 320, Agfa Scala 200, Kodak T-MAX 400, Ilford HP5 Plus 400, Foma FOMAPAN 400, Ilford Delta 3200 Pro, Kodak T-MAX P3200)
14 responses to “Freebie: 8 B&W Film Emulation Photoshop Actions”
le téléchargement ne fonctionne pas
will the pro presets work in the latest version of Photoshop CC?
Yes it’ll work
the tutorial ended up really great result.
Impressive actions! Very good!
if i am just doing the trial run of photoshop for 30 days will it not let me download these? because i have gone through the process a few different times and it will never come up on my history or actions for me to render it?
G’Day Haily,
Customer service is wanting these days hey !!
I doubt whether PS will let you add ANYTHING to a trial version and I’m disappointed these guys haven’t got back to you after about three weeks. They walk like that they know what they are doing therefore should act like it !!!!
Thx! Easy to use…
Thank you for the free actions. But how do you get the film grain to work? I can’t find the textures.
You need to load the film grain. Go to Edit > Presets > Preset Manager. Select Patterns from the preset type drop-down menu. If you installed with the ZXP file, click on the preset menu located on the top-right of the Preset Manager then select “Film Grain”. If you didn’t install with the ZXP file, click the Load button, browse for the “Film Grain.pat” file, then click Load.
The films look different but the LC Curvy action is 80% of the filmlike look. I’m already signed up to sparklestock so I got to download the pro version free, but I really don’t see any reason to buy the larger pack if anyone was thinking of buying it.
Good actions nonetheless
Nik Silver Efex $150
VSCO Film 2 $120Just sayin’ ;)
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