Give your photos an old school look with these retro light leaks. Light leak happens when light “leaks” into the camera causing the film to overexpose. This flaw can add an artistic touch to your photo. With these photos, you can apply light leaks to your photo using Photoshop. This set contains 71 high-res light leak photos. They’re stackable and super fun to use in Photoshop.

Lomo Light Leak Examples

Light Leak Thumbnails

How to Add Lomo Light Leaks in your Photos

  1. Open any photo in Photoshop.
  2. Drag and drop a light leak photo into your Photoshop document.
  3. Change the blend mode of the light leak layer to Screen.
  4. Use the Transform tool (Ctrl+T or Edit > Free Transform) to scale, rotate, and position the light leak.
  5. Add more light leak as desired.

Hipster Photo Effect Using Light Leaks

Download Lomo Light Leak

Light | 125 MB

33 responses to “Lomo Light Leaks”

  1. Jahid Babu Avatar
    Jahid Babu

    Amazing Photoshop Retouching work. Thanks for sharing it.

  2.  Avatar

    no entiendo nada

  3. roser faulk Avatar
    roser faulk


  4. MD Rakib Avatar
    MD Rakib

    Amazing Photoshop Retouching work. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Suzen Avatar

    Thanks for sharing such kind of nice and wonderful collection……Nice post Dude keep it up.

  6. clippingpath resource Avatar
    clippingpath resource

    Great tutorial with a lot of information. Many many thanks for sharing with us.

  7. Rus Avatar

    This effect is most unique and nice for me.

  8. Chris Avatar

    Perfekt. Your effects are exactly what I’m looking for!
    Thanks a lot!

  9. abdul Avatar

    wow thanks!

  10. Jan Avatar

    Whats the licence on this? Can I use it unrestricted?

  11.  Avatar

    Link pls =.=

  12. chintak Avatar

    thank you so much ….

  13. krina Avatar

    Thanks for this effects and tutorials……… it helps me lot….

  14. amin Avatar

    thanks A lot for all of them. itz a very very useful

  15. farhan Avatar

    please help…… i cant download. it says
    “could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.””

    please help

  16. adhipippoo Avatar

    I can not extract file..password?

  17. Okasha Rafique Avatar
    Okasha Rafique

    nice effects of photoshop, very much helpful

  18. Okasha Rafique Avatar
    Okasha Rafique

    Very nice photoshop effects, this website is awesome….!

  19. terry Avatar

    Thanks for the effect & tutorial
    best I ever find for years

  20. Atif Anwar Avatar
    Atif Anwar

    very nice dear, thanx a lot..
    greeting from INDIA.

  21. Alex Avatar

    Great assets to my collection, many thanks!
    I shoot on my Canon 650D and your files will be very useful!

  22. Siwaakorn Avatar

    Thanks You

  23. NiNo Avatar

    thats is a great website personally i like it.

  24. Adil khan Avatar
    Adil khan

    thanks for dis effects…it helps me alot.!!

  25. Charlie Avatar

    Thanks Denny, this is so valuable.

    I have a free collection of moving light leaks available to you guys in case anyone can use it?
    All the best, and thanks again.

  26. emad Avatar
  27. bb Avatar

    i cannot open or use the download document too

    1. samuel Avatar

      Works for me… right-click and save?

  28. AbhiRam Avatar

    I Can’t Open this file !!!

  29. Mamun Avatar

    Allah! Unbelievable. Just what I can say “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”

  30. noerdin_adin Avatar

    thanks you..

  31. Wilson Elias Avatar
    Wilson Elias

    thanks this is great a site

  32. Jayson Avatar

    Thanks for this effects and helps alot

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