Download these architecture sketch actions that are ideal for real estate photos. They transform your architecture photos into pencil drawings, watercolor paintings and more. This free download is provided by SparkleStockand includes 3 styles. Upgrade to the Pro version to unlock all 10 styles, artificial intelligence masking, and more.

These actions are compatible with Photoshop CC 2019 or newer. The Pro version uses artificial intelligence powered by Adobe Sensei. The algorithm is continuously improving and to take advantage of this, simply keep Photoshop updated.

Free Version

  • 3 Sketch/Painting Styles
  • No Artificial Intelligence
  • No Mask/Enhance Greenery Actions


Pro Version

  • 10 Sketch/Painting Styles
  • Improved Masking with AI
  • Additional Mask/Enhance Greenery Actions

Buy from SparkleStock

11 responses to “Free Architecture Sketch Photoshop Actions”

  1. Haruna Mayaki Avatar
    Haruna Mayaki

    I keep getting “Couldn’t find a subject to select”

  2. PhotoshopNovice Avatar

    “No pixels selected” Error followed by Brush set to 75% or below when starting with step one. I tried leaving it as background and creating a new layer but still nothing. I am working in CC 2020s most recent update – New to photoshop any advice will be appreciated.

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      Press D on your keyboard to reset the foreground/background colors and try the actions again.

      There’s a bug in the first release of Photoshop CC 2020 that will cause that but if you have the latest version installed through Creative Cloud, it should be resolved.

  3. jo Avatar

    what if photoshop is installed in spanish?

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      Yep it will work. Many Photoshop actions tell you to change Photoshop’s language settings to English. But SparkleStock Photoshop actions are created in a way that it doesn’t matter which language Photoshop is set to.

  4. Lucy Koops Avatar
    Lucy Koops

    I keep getting an error message that says my brush is set to less than 75%… and it won’t move forward. It is set to normal & 100%. What am I missing?

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      If you’re using the initial release of Photoshop CC 2020, please update to the latest version that fix some critical bugs. If you don’t want to update, press “D” on your keyboard to reset your foreground/background colors manually.

    2. Pedro A. Avatar
      Pedro A.

      oh wow… that was it!

  5. Justyn Avatar

    Muchas gracias.

  6. Jasmine Avatar

    Help! I’m getting the error “If” is not available!

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      That message appears when you’re using Photoshop CS6/older. Unfortunately, these actions are only compatible with Photoshop CC.

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