How to Create a Flaming Manipulation in Photoshop
Learn how to create this photo manipulation of a flying man similar to Iron Man. This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to apply cinematic lighting effects and manipulate fire to create this composite.
12 of the Most Photorealistic Drawing and Painting Tutorials
We browsed the web to find these 10 photorealistic drawing and painting Photoshop tutorials. Topics include Photoshop paintings, Photoshop renderings, and photo retouching tutorials.
Render a High Detail Leica M8 Camera with Photoshop
Learn how to recreate this stunning image of a limited edition white Leica M8. This is a very lengthy Photoshop tutorial that will show you every step of the process. A PSD with 186 layers is included at the end of the tutorial.
How to Paint a Surreal Scene in Photoshop
Learn how to create this fantastic drawing by Hatice Bayramoglu. You will learn the process she uses to create drawings in Photoshop.
Army Squirrel Photo Manipulation
Learn how to give a squirrel a helmet and grenade launcher in Photoshop. This tutorial will also introduce you to the puppet warp tool in Photoshop CS5.
Create a Flash Game Mockup in Photoshop: “The Outlaws”
Learn how to create this mockup of a flash game title screen in Photoshop. You’ll learn how to draw the landscape, title, and each individual character.