Make a Story Book Come to Life in Photoshop
Learn how to create this surreal photo manipulation in Photoshop. You’ll learn the basics of combining stock photos, how to blend them in by adding light and shadows, and complete it with a vintage photo effect.
How to Draw a Photorealistic iPhone 4 in Photoshop
Learn how to draw a realistic iPhone 4 from scratch in Photoshop. This drawing tutorial will teach you through step by step instructions the essentials of drawing electronics and introduce techniques on how to work with metal.
Create an Amazing Broken Egg and Yolk Drawing in Photoshop
Learn how to draw this beautiful drawing of a yolk in an egg shell. This extremely detailed tutorial will show you how to create a realistic broken egg shell and add reflections and shadows to create the curvature of the yolk. A high resolution PSD is included with this tutorial.
Create This Dazzling 3D Text Effect in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create 3D text in Illustrator then transfer it to Photoshop to apply the effects. You’ll learn how to apply styles to regular 3D text to create a stunning design.
How to Create a Beautiful Guitar Icon in Photoshop
Learn how to start from scratch and draw your own guitar icon in Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to create your own wood texture and create a guitar using the basic tools in Photoshop.
Magical Forest Photo
This photo manipulation tutorial will show you how to create this realistic fantasy image by combining several photos together and finishing it with water lilies and fairy dust. You will learn how to compose an image using multiple photos, simulate depth of field, and warp a persons ear to an elf ear.