Floral 3D Text Effect
Learn how to create turn a simple 3D text into a beautiful yet simple floral design. This tutorial will show you how to retouch and apply effects to 3D text and use floral Photoshop brushes as a quick way of enhancing the look.
Spring Wallpaper
Learn how to create this graphic text wallpaper using a collection of graphics. This tutorial will teach you masking techniques, text editing, and using stock photography to enhance your work.
Painting on a Wall Photo Manipulation
In this Photoshop tutorial, we are going to learn how to create a realistic yet surreal photo-manipulation. This tutorial covers techniques such as correcting barrel distortion and blending images seamlessly by correcting the brightness/contrast. We will also learn how to adjust and improve the local contrast of an image through applying filters such as the…
21 Professional Break Dancing Photos
Break dancing poses can give energy to any portrait photos. These poses are great for showing the models physical appearance and the clothes they wear. Here are some examples of break dancing poses used in the studio and outdoors. {photolicense}
FRINGE Promotional Wallpaper Tutorial
Learn how to create a promotional wallpaper, beautiful 3D text, and an x-ray effect, while enhancing your photo manipulation skills all in one tutorial.
23 Impressive Infrared Photos
Infrared photography gives a whole new view to scenes and objects that we’ve never seen before. These type of photos captures light from part of the spectrum that our eyes cannot see. It can make leaves appear white, skin glow, and haze in the distance disappear. See what infrared photography can create with this set…