Create a Children’s Book Illustration Part II: The Foreground
This tutorial will lead you through the steps of creating a children’s book illustration that can be edited and changed when the author you are working with wants minor changes made to the art. And when using this kind of layout, the changes will be easy and generally painless for you, as the artist. Part…
10 High Res Paper Textures
10 high-quality textures of different kinds of paper. Use these textures for your paintings, backgrounds, or other artwork! Available in sizes up to 24 megapixels.
26 Breathtaking Misty Landscapes
{photolicense} Silhouette of Forest in Mist | David De Lossy Misty Forest in Autumn | Rechitansorin Sunny Morning | Yuriy Poznukhov Conifer Forest in Fog | Michal Boubin Mysterious Pine Woods | Zacarias Pereira Da Mata Dark Road | Joy Fera Tree in Mist | Jupiterimages Morning Mist – Bohemian Forest | Dastin50 Meirás (Ferrol)…
12 Picture Frame Graphics
Use these picture frames to showcase your photos online! They’re a creative alternative to plain borders and work great with our Picture Framing Mat graphics. These high quality photos are easy to use; just place your photo below the frame and you’re done!
11 Photos of Decaying Abandoned Interiors
See what the inside of abandoned buildings look like. Here are 11 photos of decaying interiors of a washroom, classroom, hospital, prison, and more. {photolicense}
Create a Children’s Book Illustration Part I: The Background
This tutorial will lead you through the steps of creating a children’s book illustration that can be edited and changed when the author you are working with wants minor changes made to the art. And when using this kind of layout, the changes will be easy and generally painless for you, as the artist.