Solid Tech Rings Photoshop Brushes
Upgrade your photo manipulations with these high-tech circle designs! With over 1000 brushes in this set organized from simple to complex, you’ll have no troubles finding the right one for your Photoshop artwork.
HDR Tone Mapping with Layers in Photoshop
Create natural looking HDR tone mapped images in Photoshop with editable layers. This tutorial is an improved version of our Layered HDR Tone Mapping Photoshop tutorial from 2007. This new technique is capable of the same results but with a significantly smaller file size. We also added additional techniques to improve sharpness and contrast for…
Warzone Photo Manipulation
This photo manipulation tutorial will give you an idea of how you can turn any photo into a catastrophe. This tutorial is good as an inspiration for ideas about how to manipulate your own photo in Photoshop.
In this tutorial we will create a 3D grid effect as seen in the new movie trailers for TRON Legacy. You will learn how to fake a 3D environment using perspective, and create all sorts of shiny glass type effects, not to mention a nifty text effect that can be used for a variety of…
Fashion Wallpaper
This tutorial will help you create a fashion wallpaper with several techniques. It also shows you the effectiveness of default Photoshop brushes & blend modes, and how you can use them to greatly improve artworks.
Twister in the City
This tutorial will explain how to create an effect involving gigantic twisters (as seen in the film, “The Day After Tomorrow”), and a dissolve effect that goes along with it. You will learn to take a normal city on a nice day and turn it into a havoc and wreaked scene with terrible storms and…