In Photoshop, you can use the Lens Blur filter which will let you add noise to your blur. But for better results, I prefer to add the noise manually.

To do this, add a new layer and then go to Edit > Fill. Select 50% gray then click OK. Right-click on the layer then choose “Convert to Smart Object” – this will let us apply a filter that is fully editable. Now go to Filter > Camera Raw Filter. In the FX tab, you can add grain and adjust the size and roughness of it to match your photo. Don’t worry about getting the exact settings, you can always go back and change the settings at a later time. Click OK when you’re done. Set the blending mode to Hard Light, adjust the opacity, and you’re done. If you need to adjust the grain, you can do so by doubleclicking on the Smart Filter.

3. Avoid Overprocessing

The most common postprocessing mistake is overprocessing. Sometimes an effect might look good and people will push it further thinking it’ll be even better. But if the effect is too strong, it’ll overpower the photo and can even bring out some overprocessing effects such as halos, clipped shadows and highlights, posterized colors, solarization etc.

Sometimes these effects can be caused simply by using too many layers. Try using more efficient techniques like the tone curve which can replace multiple adjustment layers.

A good way to test your effect is to use a tone and color chart. This chart is free and you can find the download link in the video description below. The chart makes it easy to see any potential artifacts. If you get anything like this, it means that you’re going to get some posterization.

If the tone chart looks like, it mean that you’re going to get solarization. The gradient should be smooth and gradual.

4. Is Your Photo Truthful?

The type of post processing you do can change the story of your photo. Sometimes it’s good and makes a photo more interesting. But sometimes it might not be so ethical.

Some people think that the only way to manipulate the story of a photo is by cropping out or cloning objects. But the way you stylize your photo can have the same effect. For example, here’s a photo of an elderly person. If we apply a dramatic effect like this, it completely changes the story. Now you might think that it’s simply making a bland photo more interesting. But how does does it make this person look? Does she look poor? Does she look stressed out? Is she starving? It looks like she went through a lifetime of problems right?

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4 responses to “5 Important Post Processing Tips”

  1. Mukul Avatar

    very nice article it is very helpful. great collection and a lot of good inspiration for getting better final results :) Helped me getting even more beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Kurt Avatar

    Great tips Denny!

  3. گروه مذهبی تلگرام Avatar
    گروه مذهبی تلگرام

    thanks for sharing .

  4. saman elyasi Avatar
    saman elyasi

    Very Very good

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