Lower the size of the brush and add some smaller glowing orbs around the bigger ones:
Repeat with the other two words:

Step 7

To enhance the glows now create some light crosses using the pen tool. Set the brush tool first to 100% hardness and a size of 4px with the pen pressure option selected and draw a cross using the pen tool and stroking the paths.
Rotate the crosses a little bit and duplicate the layer several times. Place the little crosses on top of every glow from the previous step.
Your image should look something like this after duplicating the crosses many times and placing them on the glow orbs:

Step 8

For the glowing waves details behind the type,first start off creating a new layer and setting your brush tool with 100% hardness and a size of about 9px. Whit the pen tool stroke a large horizontal line and then go to Filter>Distort>Wave. Use the next parameters for the first wave:
On new layers stroke some other horizontal lines and go to the wave filter again. I suggest you experiment with different settings here to get the waves you see more fit for your composition.
Select one wave layer and open the layer styles menu. Check the options “Outer Glow” and “Gradient Overlay”.
On the gradient overlay option select the “Reflected” style and change the colors of the gradient to match the color palette of your type.
You can now copy the layer style into a different wave layer you created and position them under your type.
Now you can duplicate and create new wave layers and tweak the color of the glow and the gradient overlay to match the colors of the other two words.
This is the result of the type so far:
Finally in this step, for the dotted background, we are going to use again the same method as with the waves but with different filter parameters to get the effect.
Transform the layer to fit the entire canvas:

Step 9

In this step we are going to add some bokeh stock images to finish up the composition and effects of the type. From the Sparklestock bokeh images select one you see fit for your illustration. Set the layer blending mode to “Screen” and lower the layer opacity to 30%:

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

1 response to “How to Create an Abstract Eagle Photo Manipulation with Adobe Photoshop”

  1. Asim Nazir Avatar
    Asim Nazir

    Brilliant .i need more written lessons of abode photoshop like this and also video

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