
Easy Watermarks

If you watermark your photos with the same logo often, you can save time by turning it into a brush preset. Go to Edit>Define Brush Preset and upload your logo.


Improve Vibrancy

If you have a photo that’s a little dull, duplicate the layer by pressing Command + J and set the new layer’s blending mode to Hard Light. You’ll see an automatic difference in color and vibrancy!


Get Rid of Circle Trail Effect in Paintbrush

If you make long stroke with the paintbrush, you’ll notice that it creates a circle trail of pixelated color. In order to create a smooth stroke, select a brush and click F5 to open it. Select Brush Tip Shape and change the spacing from 25% to less than 7%. You can save the brush and select it from now on!


Bird’s Eye View

If you’re zoomed in close on one area, you can hold down H and drag in the image to make your view instantly jump out to full screen and then jump to another area. You’ll need an OpenCL video card to use Bird’s Eye View.

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13 responses to “10 Awesome Photoshop Tips and Tricks”

  1. Elison Avatar

    Thank you so much for this! Keep it up with the patiently explained tutorials and don’t get discouraged by no comments on your posts.

  2. Adam Houdge Avatar

    I love all these sites and I hope some day mine might also be as good as some of these fantastic photoshop blogs.

  3. June Martin Avatar
    June Martin

    Thanks for sharing these tips. I wasn’t aware of the batch editing technique, this is going to save so much time. I have only recently purchased Photoshop, really enjoying the software.

  4. Nicole Avatar

    Awesome!! I was just wondering how to get rid of that circle trail problem. Thanks for the tips.

  5. Reza Avatar
  6. Blessen Avatar

    Really useful … Please keep posting Like these .. Awesome

  7. Henry Thomasmer Avatar
    Henry Thomasmer

    Awesome! This is easily a bookmark until I get used to using these features!

  8. sazzad sikder Avatar
    sazzad sikder

    nice a photoshop tips

    1. nagesh Avatar


  9. Ramin Avatar

    Thanks for your tutorials, very nice, keep it on

  10. Maidul Islam Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this nice post.

  11. Maidul Islam Avatar

    Great, thanks for all the helpful info!

  12. Omar Avatar

    Thank you for the tips. They are very useful.

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