Step 12
The mask automatically masked out where we had a selection.

Step 13
Now for a few touch-ups. The levels seem off on the photo of the girl, so go to Image>Adjustments>Levels. Drag the black arrow to 34 as shown here.

Step 14
Now the color levels are a bit richer and better adjusted.

Step 15
Now let’s add a text on a path to the photo. Command-click (PC: Control-click) the thumbnail preview of the Layer 1 on the Layers palette. This will create a circular selection around the pixels in the earth layer.

Step 16
Click the Paths palette tab and click the Make Work Path from Selection icon on the bottom of the Paths palette.

Step 17
With the Text tool, click on the left top side of the path we just made.

Step 18
Type in some text that matches the photo.

Step 19
With the Move tool, click-and-drag a corner of the text area and expand it so there’s some room between the earth and the text. Now we have a combined photo with some text.

12 responses to “Combining Two Photos for New Effect”
my result: http://ejthff.deviantart.com/art/I-want-bigos-for-the-dinner-571787652
thanks ^^ I’ve learned a lot -
Le result.jpg http://imgur.com/uSt7EAl
It’s meh. Could be done easier in a different way.
From a person that literally know nothing of photoshop, this doesn’t help.
oh no
this is rubbish
I was able to follow the steps and achieve the final result, but more explanation at each step would help us understand the tools and techniques used better. Right now, I don’t really know what Marquee or Work path does, although I used it correctly here; more explanation of these as and when they are mentioned in the steps would be very helpful!
It’s great but when I add the circular text, it’s not a perfect circle, some characters are on a lower level, even though I did everything as you wrote. Also, the girl’s right hand reflects the original red ball’s shadow.
All the images on your site seem to be down :(
Thanks, im finding photoshop solution and meet this site, its realy good solutions :x.
This one is good n will help me to knew the photoshop
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