A new version of Photoshop will be coming this June! Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud) is a new name but essentially the same Photoshop with dozens of new features. Some of the best features include the Camera Shake Reduction filter which lets you correct photos blurred by camera shake, Intelligent Upsampling to enlarge your photos with better results, and an all new Smart Sharpen filter. Check out the new features and see if it’s worth the upgrade for you.

Photoshop CC Overview

Why Photoshop CC and not CS7? Photoshop CC will only be available through Creative Cloud. Adobe has announced that they will be discontinuing the production of Creative Suite and push all their upgrades onto Creative Cloud – a subscription-based service. Therefore, it would make more sense to rename Photoshop from CS (Creative Suite) to CC (Creative Cloud).

New & Improved Features

Adobe Photoshop CC will come with two new filters, a revamped Image Size and Smart Sharpen, and better vector editing for rounded rectangles.

1. Smart Sharpen

The Smart Sharpen filter has been improved to give you better results with the reduce noise filter. With Photoshop CC, you can sharpen your photos with minimal noise and halo effects using the new Smart Sharpen filter.


Intelligent Upsampling

When you enlarge a photo, you know that there is a high chance that your photo can look too blurry. There are third-party software/addons that can enlarge your photo with better quality than Photoshop CS6, but in Photoshop CC, your Image Size tool will now give you sharper enlargements with the new resampling method called “Preserve Details (enlargement). There is also a “Reduce Noise” slider to control the amount of noise to remove.


2. Camera Shake Reduction

We all have great photos ruined by camera shake but there is no good way to fix it. Adobe gave us hope with a deblur demo shown at the 2011 Adobe MAX conference and this deblur filter is finally here 2 years later in Photoshop CC. This filter will help you save your blurry shots by analyzing the path of the camera shake and reducing the blur.


3. Editable Rounded Rectangles

This is a feature that already exist in Adobe Fireworks but Fireworks will be discontinued. It only makes sense to provide it in Photoshop so designer have an alternative software to switch to. With the rounded rectangle tool, you have to specify your corner radius first before drawing the rectangle. If you need to adjust the corner angle later, you would have to do it by hand using the path tools or create a new rounded rectangle. In Photoshop CC, you can adjust the corner radius individually and export the CSS data for your website.

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28 responses to “Photoshop CC New Features: Is it Worth the Switch?”

  1. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Wow,It’s One of the best collection , I seen on internet , Thanks for sharing

  2. Kerry McKenna Avatar
    Kerry McKenna

    I loathe Adobe and what they have done to the serious amature photographer. We cannot and will not except your new over the top Charges, are you part of a bank or something.

  3. Paula Lee Avatar
    Paula Lee

    I refuse to LEASE or RENT softwares!

    Adobe made about $1BILLION (yes, $1 billion) in profits last year!

    And if you stop paying, you won’t be able to access any of those files that you have worked all of those years!

  4. Moszaic Avatar

    I’m still using CS3 and I’m enjoy it, but I will try CC now for a test.

  5. Chang Avatar

    It’s worth the switch, if you have fun with it. I’m already in, and I think the best thing is I can have a continuous updates in real time.

  6. Amir Avatar

    Why is everybody tripping over the subscription thing, do the math, it’s cheaper than upgrading every release, and more expensive than upgrading every other… which is just fine with me. And now I don’t have to wait over a year for new features, i just wake up one day and Adobe surprises me.

    Stop whining people, and embrace the cloud!

  7. Shawn Gordon Avatar
    Shawn Gordon

    Although there seems to be some innovative tools on board here, the move to “cloud” is to stop piracy – bottom line. I understand the desire behind it – what I don’t understand and won’t be paying for, is non-portable software that requires an internet connection, and is scalable upon the desire of the software company. The set-up seems like an all or nothing deal here. I don’t use but 2-3 pieces of the suite, so paying $50 a month isn’t a ‘value.’ Back to Corel Draw I suppose

  8. Normf Avatar

    Very disappointed in Adobe. Have always bought and updated my Adobe products legally. Had no hesitation is going from Film to Digital, no problems with tech. I’m starting to get annoyed that last year my upgrade cost double what Americans paid even though the Aussie dollar was above parity. Abode will lose most of its customers if someone comes up with competition software. I can’t wait for some decent competition. Looks like I use CS 6 till I die or alternative. Very ashamed of Adobe!

  9. Gretchen Avatar

    I was pricing Dreamweaver, CS6 and some other programs and it was absolutely no way for me to purchase all of these .
    I am not totally thrilled with the subscription idea, but it offers me an option to stay current with the software and use several of the programs instead of mooching off friends some “free” time on their computers.
    I may adjust to it.

  10. Aficion Avatar

    In the end, the program is still on your drive. Now that there’s no alternative, how long do you think it’ll be until there’s a crack that simulates activation? I’ve already talked to a couple of friends who are professional programmers, and they’ve said that it’s totally possible. I paid a lot of money for CS6. Adobe refused to give me proper support and updates in favor of paid subscription. They’re being douchebags, so I’ll use the crack.

  11. Gary ombler Avatar
    Gary ombler

    I feel that Adobe do not want to ;leave any room for third party plug ins. At the moment there are some excellent products for re-sampling and interpolating to larger files. As for the anti shake filter, why not use a tripod? I think all it does is encourage ‘sloppy photography techniques. Not going to bother with the CC version yet, see what develops over the next couple of years. Sure my CS6 will be still up to the job

    1. Leandro Avatar

      Don’t you know? What is the use of the anti-shake feature of CC Photoshop CC? Imagine you have a number of beautiful images, almost perfect, but it’s blurred. What a pity! So here is where anti-shake Photoshop CC feature comes in.

  12. rob Avatar

    I can’t believe I’m the first to say this…YES it is worth it!

  13. Uninterested Bystander Avatar
    Uninterested Bystander

    Still using CS3 and still not seeing the need to switch.

  14. Paige Avatar

    I don’t see any new feature that is worth being forced to use cloud.

  15. Jonathan Avatar

    Oh! Nice to have!!

  16. Anoop Singh Avatar
    Anoop Singh

    Where is download link?

    1. mejsi Avatar

      it is not out yet

  17. Jack Hoggard Avatar
    Jack Hoggard

    Wonder how many complainers about the new subscription system lease their cars?

  18. Jacks Avatar

    Your late to the game! Shake reduction came out last week already. Piccure.com ; )

  19. priscilla Avatar

    Finally they add the rounded rectangles :):):) Am not upgrading tho

  20. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
    Photoshop Tutorials Editor

    Ripping us off as usual with never ending subscriptions. Bring back the one time upgrades! I don’t want to lease photoshop

    1. S Avatar

      Cloud this cloud that
      I hate how everything has to be on the cloud now

    2. Dave Avatar

      I’m on CC and its not as bad as it sounds. I get all the updates and the pricing is great if you use all the included software.

  21. Antonio Avatar

    Instead of debluring in post process, take it properly from the start. The filter is only going to create more amateurs.

    1. Professional Avatar

      Dey took our jerrrrbs
      I thought this was amurrukka

    2. Pilar Peon Avatar
      Pilar Peon

      What a snob you are!

  22. Rich Avatar

    Im hoping it doesn’t work. I can not and will not pay a subscription fee for software.

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