
Paint the lips with a red tone and in the middle create a reflection with a white brush.


Step 16 – building

Return to the model’s layer and duplicate (ctrl+j) now paint with a black brush to hide everything except the building here the model is, use the layer in soft light mode. This will give more contrast to that part.


Step 17 – Shadows

Create a new layer (Shift + Ctrl + N) paint over the left size of the model, where the light is not in contact with her use the layer in soft light mode, and change the opacity of the brush depending of how hard you want the shadow to be.


Step 18 – Wolf

Same as before, place the wolf image, select the wolf with the lasso tool and add a layer mask to complete the selection. You will have something like this:


Step 19 – Hairs

You have to paint hairs so the wolf can look natural, so you can paint one by one or use fur brushes, use the eyedropper tool to pick the exact same color of the wolf


Step 20 – Shadows

In a new layer (shift+ctrl+n) paint with a soft round black brush over the wolf creating shadows in his hair, use a low opacity from 5% to 10%. Has to be something really soft.


Step 21 – Strokes

You can add some reflexions in the coat of the wolf with a soft round white brush with 1px size, to make details stand out.


Step 22 – light

Let’s work over the city light, in a new layer paint with a soft round brush with low opacity (20%) in the size where the light is reaching the buildings and the model. Use the layer in normal mode. Also you can work the light in several layers. You can start by making the light of the city with ta bigger brush and for the model you can use a small brush se the direction of the light and how it affects the image.


Step 23 – The sun

To create the sun pick a soft round brush in a yellow tone and just make a circle like this


Go to the option Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur and add 30% of radius, can be more radius if you need to. This will give a softer look.


Now change the layer mode to screen and duplicate the layer ctrl + J to give more intensity.


Step 24 – Water

Place the image of the water in the image like this:


Add a layer maska and hide the sky and the stones


Step 25 – Water

Paint some water running dow the streets, you can also use images of water or brushes to fit with the image.

Pages: 1 2 3

22 responses to “How to Composite a Destroyed City Scene and Retouch Characters in Photoshop”

  1. MD Rakib Ahmed Avatar
    MD Rakib Ahmed

    It was vary use full and nice. I need to this tutorial at this time. Thank you for help me and any help if you want & needed to me please contract me.thanks for everything.

  2. iwanna Avatar

    where can i find the steps?

  3. Yasmen Ahmad Avatar
    Yasmen Ahmad

    Thank you

  4. Optical Overlays Avatar
    Optical Overlays


  5. Optical Overlays Avatar
    Optical Overlays


  6. MahMuda Avatar

    Great composition.

  7. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    This is really fantastic. The unlimited access makes it even better 

  8. Budie Deathlust Avatar
    Budie Deathlust

    thanks for a tutorial…
    already follow your DA and FB

  9. Mustafa Avatar

    Thank You, Wonderful tutorial thank’s again

  10. 夏末的向日葵 Avatar


  11. Nexus Avatar

    The Tutorial is great but poor explanation for newbie.

  12. Alya Avatar

    oh my good ,,,this is awesome
    I love this step by step tutorial <<
    Thank you very very much :*

  13. Andy Avatar

    Thank you very much for the step by step tutorial…. very easy to understand and follow.

  14.  Avatar


  15. Joser Avatar

    Interesting stuff. Very helpful.

  16. Mel Avatar

    Beautiful thank you :)

  17. Fred Avatar

    How do you create the smokey effect in step 2? Yes, i am new to photoshop(more or less)

  18. ashwani rajput Avatar
    ashwani rajput

    Andrea good work yar…awsome tutorials…plz do some more…

  19. mahmoed Avatar

    انا بحب البرنامج دة بس نفسى قدر اعمل منة حاجات

  20. Minny Avatar

    oh… wwoww!

  21. la'fave Avatar

    Goodness! Ur tutorial is Amazing! Way 2 go!

  22. jennifer Avatar

    i friggen love direwolves and I friggen love your tutorial <3

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