Step 37
Now the spheres of wire. This is a very beautiful image of a sphere and complete image, in my opinion. I will not add the usual “Outer Glow” style. All little confused, and I’ll open the secret of it at the end of this tutorial. In the meantime, place an image “1” from “Bubbles” folder (File > Place…/Place Embedded) and resize, rotate it as shown in image below. Use “Screen” Blending Mode.
Step 38
Now add a little flares. It is always advantageous parts, especially in the music posters. Place flare and resize it in accordance with the object for which you want to put it (Choose the most vivid places. So the highlight will look even better). As always use “Screen” Blending Mode. Duplicate this flare several times (Cmd/Ctrl + J) and put it in different parts of the image.
Step 39
Group all flares (Cmd/Ctrl + G) and change group Blending Mode to “Screen”. Flares spoil the image because edges are illuminated. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels… or use “Create new fill or adjustment layer” icon. Set for Blacks: 20 and clip this layer to a group to the effect of the layer affect only on flares.
Step 40
I decided to make more visible and add more colors to background. I used “Curves” adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves…). I lighten a bit shadows (bottom point) on Red (Input:0 , Output: 34), Green (Input:0 , Output: 28) and Blue (Input:0 , Output: 63). Try not much to lighten the background because it is only color correction. I will add a glow effect later.
Step 41
On the layer mask, I removed the partially effect from the brightest areas of the image and model’s skin, so they do not become even brighter and did not spoil the picture. Use Brush Tool (B) with soft round brush ans different sizes. Here’s my result after applying adjustment layer and cleaning.
Step 42
Now I used adjustment layer “Color Lookup” (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Lookup…) to add more warm tones to the image and expand the color gamut. I use 3DLUT File “FallColors.look” and reduce Fill to 50%. You can try other files from the list. I remember that there were a couple of interesting. Keep in mind that the colors should fit together. And if additional tone is not in harmony with the image, or change the range of the entire image or the additional colors.21 responses to “Create a 3D Abstract Photo Manipulation Style in Photoshop”
Totorial top! Maravilhoso.
Cool cool
I always liked adding a wicked background to photos that are generally too busy.
kudos! I love your work, I’m new at this, your tutorial is very clear, I followed your guide and I made it,I hope you can make more tutorial like this, thank you very much.
I’m at Step 44 and am stuck on this part: “Remember, we create a merged copy? Use it again (Cmd/Ctrl + Opt/Alt + Shift + E) and move this layer to top of layer stack.”
First, I don’t remember creating a merged copy (that doesn’t mean I didn’t; I just don’t remember), and, secondly, I don’t know which layers you’re referring to that should be included in the merged copy, so, if you could please provide some clarification, I’d be very grateful.
Hi Ray,
Thank you very much for your letter!“Copy Merged Makes a merged copy of all the visible layers in the selected area”
https://helpx.adobe.com/pdf/photoshop_reference.pdfThis function is needed to obtain a copy of your work on a separate layer. You can merge all layers if you want, and then make a copy. But it will be wasted and you will not be able to go back to the layers. You must use the version of the image to which you want to apply effect (all layers in the Layers panel or the layers that you consider necessary use in your artwork). You just need a layer of your result on a separate layer, to apply effects. All the same as in Step 29. Or you can use the method that you prefer. Personally, I like to use this method because it is fast. I used all of the layers that have been in my work at this stage. You can see my layers sequence in the previous step (Step 43).
Kind Regards,
Maria. -
Thank you very much, Maria. I really appreciate your help.
Your tutorials are very easy to follow and I appreciate that very much. I am just getting started and sometimes I am not even sure what photoshop can really do for me.
Thank you for your comment! I am very glad that you liked my tutorial :). I deliberately tried to make my tutorials are accessible to people with various Photoshop knowledge. I believe that you will succeed! From my experience, the best option is a constant practice and personal experience to help you achieve good results!
Good luck and new creative achievements to you!
I’m enjoying this tutorial, but it would be even better if the reasoning behind what we’re doing was explained, e.g. Step 23 Replace layer mask from “Curves” model layer to Gradient Fill layer by holding Opt/Alt and drag and drop layer mask to gradient layer mask. I understand the basic concept behind layer masks, but I don’t understand why we’re copying a mask from one layer to another and the effect that has.
If you could supply an explanation, that would be most appreciated.
Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you liked my tutorial :)
It is necessary to not doing the same action each time. Because otherwise, you need to create a selection of model and add a layer mask to the desired layer. So just a faster and more optimized work on photo manipulation.
I would like to say that we need a layer mask on which the model (white color) is separated from the background (black) and remove some areas on it to to hide the effect of the adjustment layer, where it is not necessary.
I hope I answered your question. If you still have questions do not hesitate to ask and I’m happy to answer you :)
I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what we’re supposed to be doing in Step 21. You say “Use the average skin tones near the area being edited.” I have no idea what that means. I’m fairly new to Photoshop, so it could be my lack of experience, but if you could clarify this step and how exactly we’re supposed to go about it, that would be great.
Thanks in advance.
I think the author meant to select the average skin tone color with the Eyedropper tool. You can set the “Sample Size” setting to 101×101 pixels in the options bar (below the menus after you have the Eyedropper tool selected).
Thanks for the response.
Can you fix screenshots at Steps 22 and 44?
The screenshots seem to be showing fine on my end
i would lover to learn how do you have any video i can watch?
Hello, wrong link on the Atom Stock Pack
http://mariasemelevich.deviantart.com/art/Atom-Stock-Pack-550943280 – right-
Thanks! Link fixed
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