
Call them “window 1”, “window 2”.

Create two new layer under window ones. Use soft black brush with opacity about 40-50% paint along window contour to make shadow for them:


Step 25

Make group for these windows and make a Hue/Saturation layer to change their color:


The window on the right side catches some light from background so it must be a bit brighter. Create a new layer and I use soft white brush to paint on its right side. Change the mode to Soft Light 100%:


Step 26

Open fence stock. I only cut a small part of it, downsize and place it near the right side of carrot house:


Duplicate it twice and move them to the right:


Add layer mask to blend their bottom with the grass:


Call them “fence 1”, “fence 2”, “fence 3”.

Come back to fence stock again. Cut a very small part and place it under fence ones:


Duplicate this part and move to the right:


Name them “fence 4”, “fence 5”. Apply Layer Style for these layers.


Step 27

Create group for fence ones. Make a new layer under them and load their selection by holding Cmd/Ctrl+click +Shift:


Fill this selection with black then transform and lower opacity to 30%, apply Gassian Blur 2 px, to make shadow for them ( I won’t say in detail as you can look at previous steps as reference).


Use a Color Balance layer to add a light yellow tone for the fence:


Make a new layer ( within fence group) and use soft white brush to brighten more the edges of the fence. I set the mode as Soft Light 100%:


New layer again and I change brush color to black. Paint on fence bottom and change mode to Multipy 30%:


Step 28

Open bunny 1 stock. First use your favorite method to extract and copy him into a new layer.


Make a new layer and use Smudge Tool to create the fur for this bunny with same method done in step 1. I make a new layer between bunny and background and fill with dark green to make you see the result more obviously:


Merge extracted bunny and smudge layer. Move it into our main picture, resize and place him at the right edge of foreground:


Add layer mask and blend him with the grass:


Step 29

Make a Color Balance layer ( Clipping Mask) to change his color :

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

21 responses to “Create a Cute Bunny House in Photoshop”

  1. Marta Avatar

    Thank you very much for your beautiful explanations!!!

  2. Michele Dillon Avatar

    Absolutely fab and so creative. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Maidul Islam Avatar

    awesome and unique collection of sequence photography i love it.
    Thank for sharing.

  4. Andrew Avatar

    can i have the psd version plz :)

    1. Jesus Armenta Avatar
      Jesus Armenta

      No, This is a photoshop tutorial you are suppose to make it not take a simple picture of it

  5. Mireille D Avatar
    Mireille D

    Thank you for this very entertaining tutorial!
    My realization:

    1. Jesus Armenta Avatar
      Jesus Armenta

      That is perfect like my girlfriend Chelsea

  6. Wanda aka Fanta! Avatar
    Wanda aka Fanta!

    You know, you remind me about Telletubies! :D
    I like your simple technics but can make so many differences!
    Super Good Tuts! :D
    Keep Up your GOod Work!

    I am waiting for your next tuts!

    Yours truly,

  7. Maya Avatar

    Thanks for the tutorial!

  8. ahmed Avatar

    signal page too Loading long,,, fast plz beacause i leave or else

  9. jenna Avatar

    Thank you for this tutorial. As a beginner I appreciate the step-by-step instructions. It’s easy to follow.

  10. Chintamani Avatar

    Amazing….i liked it very much. thanx for sharing.

  11. Abby Avatar

    Why isn’t the whole tutorial posted?

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Hi Abby! You can click on the “Next Page” button to go to the next page. Or if you prefer to see it in a single page, click on the single page link.

      Here’s the link to the single page:

  12. cwimbish Avatar

    I like how you warmed the grass into hills. Amazing!!

  13. Czuuk Waterson Avatar
    Czuuk Waterson

    When I press R I get a pop up that says could not complete your request because it only works with opengl enabled document windows.

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Editor Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Editor

      Go to Photoshop/Edit > Preferences > Performance. Enable the “Use Graphics Processor” option then click on Advance Settings to ensure it is enabled in there too.

      If this option is grayed out, it could be because you need newer graphics drivers (download from Nvidia/AMD’s website) or because your video card isn’t supported.

  14. mo Avatar


  15. Lu Avatar

    Cute :)

    1. Random Monek Avatar
      Random Monek

      your cute

  16. Sling Avatar

    Nice tuts.

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