Take note that the adjustment layers we will be using in this step will all come from pressing the Create New Fill/Adjustment layer button.

Once open, input the following:

Step 36
Next, let’s create a Gradient Map adjustment layer.

When it opens, click on the Black and White Gradient Map:

Next, let’s create a Solid Color adjustment layer.

Once it is open, input the following on the # space:
#: 00072a

Step 37
Next, change the Blending mode and Opacity of this Solid Color layer to the following:
- Blending mode: Exclusion
- Opacity: 60%

The image should now be looking like this:

Step 38
Next, let’s create a Photo Filter adjustment layer:

Once opened, choose the following filter:

Step 39
Finally, let’s adjust the Offset. Create an Exposure adjustment layer.

Once it is open, input the following:

The resulting image should now be similar to this:

Download the PSD
Tutorial by Michael Vincent Manalo
25 responses to “Create a Romantic Cutlery Artwork Inspired by Salvador Dali”
the cutlery’s link is error . please fix !! :(
Thanks for the tutorial. I followed your guidelines closely, and although I had to substitute images for the floor and cutlery (the original images were no longer available), I was able to replicate your original fairly well. I am using the completed image for an assignment in a college class. Thanks so much
Wow expertinspiration I like all!?
please fix the psd link
Link seems to be working for us. Here’s the direct link: https://www.photoshoptutorials.ws/downloads/psd/Theater%20of%20Life.zip
Thank u Mike excellent tutorial
(>^o^)> I AM COMMENT <(^o^<)
Awesome work and tutorial, Michael! Congrats!
Let me add a correction: at step 36 the gradient map regulation level must be added with the LUMINOSTY blend mode…you must have forgotten to write it down :) -
change blend mode on Gradient Map (step 35) plox .
what the hell happened at Step 35 ??? :-/
very very nice!!
Awesome tutorial….. Really helpful for a beginner like me :-)….
Been looking at your tutorials and portfolio … thanks a lot for sharing. Beautiful stuff. I really appreciate it.
Great tutorial; thank you!
FYI: The “Download the PSD” link points to the ‘Big Fish’ PSD rather than the file for this tutorial.-
Thanks Mike! PSD link has been fixed
Very nice!
Really nice tuto, helpful, well explained. thx
Thanks a lot for the nice tut – good job!!!
Gracias por el tutorial aprendi mucho
mira como me fue http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4785628130887&set=a.4638641296308.2170398.1601304038&type=1&theater¬if_t=like exelente -
This was very well done. Teaches a lot of things nicely. Thanks for the tutorial.
love romance and love your way to work
nice step by step work!
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