
Step 19

Now there’s only one thing to add, the air balloons. So go ahead and place it on the canvas and get rid of the sky with any of the methods we previously explained or your own method.

Step 20

Let’s change a little bit the light on this balloon, add a Curvesadjustment layer.

Step 21

Place the second balloon. Since it has to look that it’s further in the distance make it smaller. We will make aCurvesadjustment layer and we will make it darker than the first one.

Step 22

Repeat the process with two more balloons and this is how it should look like:

Step 23

The last thing we’ll do is add a Gradient Map, the one I used is a Photoshop preset and you should have it. Reduce the Opacity of the layer to 10%.

Step 24

Now we don’t want the Gradient Map to show on the ground and on the man because it makes it too red, so we’re going to add a layer mask and hide it.

Step 25

And we’re done, I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

Final Results

Download the PSD| 87.0 MB

Tutorial by Alexander West

Thank you for following my tutorial. I hope you liked it.Follow me on twitter: alexan_west– Alex

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15 responses to “Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation of a Man Watching a Magical Sky”

  1.  Avatar

    thank you for ur tutorials.

  2. Ogi1b Avatar

    Took me an hour to make it… it

  3. Benjamin Avatar

    I still cannot believe that the end result came from what the original photo started with. Very good work!

  4. Colin Avatar

    Fantastic Artist

  5. Lucas Campau Avatar
    Lucas Campau

    Totally cool. Doesn’t photoshop have the coolest features if you can make an image like this out of basically nothing?

  6. Ahmed Avatar

    The tutorials are very easy to follow and I appreciate that very much. I am just getting started and sometimes I am not even sure what photoshop can really do for me. I love the results. great work

  7. Emi Avatar

    The man sitting on the bench reminds me of my grandfather, who’s passed away. This would be a great pic to memorialize him . Thanks for the tutorial.

  8. Shohel Rana Avatar
    Shohel Rana

    So much helpful tutorial indeed to create magical or super-real photo. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Trevor Garratt Avatar
      Trevor Garratt

      Have you finished this project yet? I would like to see the end results of others that have tried the tutorial.

  9. jazza Avatar

    Hi Alexander West,
    I love the results. great work

  10. Infinite Education Avatar
    Infinite Education

    What a superb tutorial! Thanks

  11. Kerin Bratcher Avatar
    Kerin Bratcher

    Amanda Boyd?

  12.  Avatar

    Man Watching A Magical Sky – looks like an Incomplete tutorial. Disappointed. Unable to continual after staep 14.

    1. Mr Johnsie Avatar
      Mr Johnsie

      Hehe, it’s split into two pages. You needed to click “2” to get to the second page of the tutorial. Common sense really. It’s a good tutorial.

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