Now merge all the layers of background molecules in a single layer (Layer > Merge Layers or Cmd/Ctrl+ E), but leave at least one layer of a molecule because it is useful to us later.


Convert this layer for Smart Filters (Filter > Convert for Smart Filters) and add filter “Gaussian Blur” (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur…). Set Radius: 25px. So we can create a volume for the image.


Step 25

Necessary to impose light and shadow. Although the molecule and blurred, but is and why they should match the lighting. Create a New Overlay-neutral layer (Layer > New > Layer or Cmd/Ctrl+ Shift + N). Use Dodge Tool (O) and Burn Tool (O) with there settings: Size: 175px, Exposure: 30%, Range: Midtones. Apply light and shadow relative bright spot on the texture (light source). In image green is light, red is a shadow and set this layer as clipping mask (Option/Alt+ Cmd/Ctrl + G).


Group all layers (Cmd/Ctrl + G), name it “Background”, then move the layers with the DNA and one molecule outside a group.


Step 26

Now create a molecule of the first plan. Repeat steps 24-25 and position of the molecule as shown in image. Do not leave the layer with the molecule and for “Gaussian Blur” change Radius to 9.0px.


Step 27

Let’s create a depth of field for molecules. Take a Brush Tool (B) with Size: 200px, Hardness: 0%, Opacity: 40%. Remove the on filter mask of a blur effect from the illuminated parts of the molecules, but not from all.


Need a little darken molecules that are located near the edges of the image. Create a new layer (Cmd/Ctrl+ Shift + N) above the Overlay-neutral layer, set it as clipping mask (Option/Alt+ Cmd/Ctrl + G). Use Brush Tool (B) from the previous point, draw darkness as shown in image. Set Opacity for this layer to 54%


Step 28

For now work with molecules is completed and you come back to the creation of a background. Place file “chemistry_by_mariasemelevich-d7xq5kv” (File > Place (Place Embedded)) in group “Background”. Set Blending mode to “Overlay” and Opacity: 70%. To make this texture white, add adjustment layer “Invert” (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Invert…).

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8 responses to “Create This Abstract Medical Image of DNA with Photoshop”

  1. bill gates Avatar
    bill gates


  2. Queen Avatar

    It’s a good thing that some images come with what’s written… Too many mistakes from picture to writting…
    Even the size of the doc is wrongly written….. That’s just poorly written Tut….

  3. dave Avatar

    some pic is not found, please repair it, thank you!

  4. Bunty Avatar

    Nice one

  5.  Avatar

    What is RMB?

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      This is the right mouse button.

  6. And Avatar

    I’d like to learn more same techniques)

  7. Caro Kurz Avatar
    Caro Kurz

    Arne Zou, na das ist ja was für uns.^^

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