I added a couple of color spots with the brush tool.
Add the below pattern from auto shapes palette. Modify it.
Add some lines using the Line Tool. Maintain the 45 degree angle.
Finally add Title. That’s pretty much it. Press Ctrl+0 and take a sight at the design. Should you feel anything needs a change or to be added feel free to do it, and try to be creative.

Final Results


Tutorial by Niranth M

profileI am a Graphic / Web Designer and a wannabe VFX artist. Hope you learned something and had fun reading this tutorial. Thank you for following this tutorial.- niranth

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29 responses to “How to Create an Amazing Mixed Media Poster in Photoshop”

  1. Dylan Avatar

    This is cool looking but i hate the ones that got no downloads.

  2. Ryuu Avatar

    Thank you for this tutorials. I get some problems in step 8. I change the blend mode to Multiply and duplicate the head layer and invert it. But it’t not work. It becomes draker. I try many ways. But it dosn’t show like that.

  3. Mukul Avatar

    I really enjoyed this tutorial.thanks

  4.  Avatar


  5. Murzith Avatar

    It’s always helps when I visit your site and I always learn some new stuffs from you. Thanks a lot

  6. beepbeepimajeep Avatar

    man this is really cool

  7.  Avatar

    good job ,, thanks

  8.  Avatar

    I loved this tutorial. Some parts were hard to understand but searching for the answer got me more familiar with Photoshop. The only thing i really didn’t like was the section where you make a blend in Illustrator. I don’t know enough about the program to know how to do that. I had to leave it out because I couldn’t figure it out. A little more detail on that part would really help. Other than that, great job. Thank you

  9. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    A very smart approach to explain the things,like your step by step tutorial.

  10. Grayson Avatar

    Amazing! I am a beginner in photoshop and I was able to create an exact look alike thanks to your tutorial!

  11. Red Devil Avatar
    Red Devil

    Thank you for this tutorials.

  12. Pissed Off Avatar
    Pissed Off

    **** you for this this is so badly written!

    1.  Avatar


  13. dilshan Avatar


  14. Mr.MRF Avatar

    Thanks 4 this amazing tutorial, if u leave dl sorce link it was very good:d

  15. Doris Stokes Avatar
    Doris Stokes

    SUCH! an interesting and informal tutorial, I know so much more now and first thing tomorrow will design my own version of this and try and expand upon techniques. Brilliant! Thanks for all your effort in preparing this.

  16. ranjeet Avatar

    excellent………..i love it

  17. Juhyeon Kim Avatar
    Juhyeon Kim

    THANKS ^^

  18. KG Avatar

    I enjoyed your tutorial. A few of the steps were confusing as I am learning some of the tools. A few things were not explained, like having to take off the multiply blend mode from the second male head so the invert worked. All in all very nice job!

  19. kevin harper Avatar
    kevin harper

    getting a lil bit of problems in step four but i’ll get it

  20. Rod Avatar

    Great tutorial. Thanks.

  21. Joanna Avatar

    Love it. This website always has the best tuts

  22. Beth Avatar

    Omg, thank you so much for this tutorial. How awesome! I love it. :D

    1.  Avatar

      your welcome

  23. TrollMaster Avatar

    This actually isnt that bad.

  24. Yuni eka putri Avatar
    Yuni eka putri


  25. George Foreman Avatar
    George Foreman


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