In this tutorial you will learn to create a portrait of a beautiful lady in a warm autumn background using lights, contrast, colors and other adjustments.
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![final-results[4] final-results[4]](
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Step 1
Download the Backgrounds pack and open in Photoshop the background number 5. Double click on the layer to unlock it. Flip the image horizontally (CTRL + T > Flip Horizontally). Crop the part we want to be the base of our work.
![step-001[3] step-001[3]](
Step 2
We want to give to the background some contrast. Duplicate the background twice (CTRL + J). Set the first duplicated background to Screen to enhance the lights. Set the second to Multiply to enhance the shadows. This is what you will have.
![step-002[3] step-002[3]](
Step 3
Extract the Lady from the background (I used the Quick Selection Tool + Refine Edges, but everyone has their own best method). I previously smudged the model skin, but this is not the aim of this tutorial and it doesn’t affect the final result. Put her in a new layer above the backgrounds layers.
![step-003[3] step-003[3]](
Step 4
Now we have to blend the Lady with the Background. I desaturated a bit the lady and removed some of brightness. To do that add a Hue / Saturation Adjustment Layer only for the Lady and set the Saturation to -19 and Lightness to -8.
![step-004a[3] step-004a[3]](
Step 5
Now we work on the colors. Add a Color Balance Adjustment Layer only to the Lady and put these settings:
- Shadows > +14 +7 -16
- Midtones > +11 +7 0
- Highlights > +10 +5 -5
![step-004b[3] step-004b[3]](
Step 6
We want to blend more everything. Open the pack containing the bokeh and add the number 2 in a new layer above everything. Rotate it like in the picture below (CTRL + T).
![step-004c[3] step-004c[3]](
Step 7
Set the Bokeh to Soft Light. Opacity and Fill to 75%.
![step-004d[3] step-004d[3]](
Step 8
Add a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer and choose the one you see below from the presets.
![step-004e[3] step-004e[3]](
Step 9
Set the Gradient Map to Soft Light with Opacity and Fill to 80%.
![step-005[3] step-005[3]](
Step 10
Add another Gradient Map and set it like below.
![step-006[3] step-006[3]](
Step 11
Set the Gradient Map to Soft Light with Opacity and Fill 80%.
![step-007[2] step-007[2]](
Step 12
Let’s work now on shadows and lights. First of all we need to make the background darker. Add a Brightness / Contrast Adjustment Layer above the 3 backgrounds and put:
- Brightness -54 and Contrast +48
![step-008[1] step-008[1]](
This is so far what you’ll have.
![step-009[1] step-009[1]](
Step 13
Create a new layer below the Lady and paint with white below her, going out her edges.
18 responses to “Create an Portrait Artwork with Autumn Colors”
ohh my god unbelievable its amazing tutorial mindblowing supperppppppppppppppp
Fabrizio Panattoni, thanks for this romantic beautiful tut. I knew many interesting moments. I enjoy it It”s me pic
wow..its a really fantastic and awesome font, its can be very use full for to make my design.Thanks for sharing this nice post.
Me ha gustado mucho y he realizado un trabajo con esta técnica. Muchas gracias
Muy bueno el tutorial y el trabajo queda precioso. Gracias
Really Awsome, been looking for a tutorial like this one for some time.
Thnx -
it would be interesting to know how did you treated the hair because it is much better on your montage than the original picture
how you did in step 21?
Well this is something I have been trying to create for a while though mine didn’t come out exactly like Thank you for this tutorial.
Amazing!! very helpful and useful tutorial!!! lots of thanks to you.
thank you very much
you are very nice
from iran -
This embodies everything I wish to do with the photoshop version I purchase. But it is exceedingly unclear which one will serve my purpose….PLEASE HELP
What version of photoshop did you use for this?
hey can you tell me how to work only with the layer of the Lady
Thank you very much gorgeous pic
Download didn’t work, but nice tutorial & images
i like that !
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