
Step 34

As a final step to color correct the fish let’s add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer and decrease the saturation a bit.


Step 35

Obviously we will take advantage of the layer masking and so we will apply the desired effect selectively. Fill the layer mask of the Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer with black and using a white round soft brush tool at 50% Opacity paint the bottom part of the layer to make this effect visible just in the lower part of the scene.


Step 36

Let’s add some aquatic plants to increase the scene’s variety. From the aquatic plants pack select a plant you like then copy and paste it into our scene. Resize the plant and place it on the bottom of the sea. Change the layer blend mode to Multiply.


Step 37

Duplicate the plant layer and Ctrl-click on it to make a selection. Fill this selection with black (with black as foreground color press Alt + Backspace) and use Free Transform to resize and position the shadow to the left of the plant. Change the blend mode to Multiply and lower the Opacity to 79%.


Step 38

Add a layer mask to the shadow layer (Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All) and using a black round soft brush at 80% Opacity mask away the outer edges of the shadow.


Step 39

Group the plant and the shadow layer (Ctrl-click on both layers and press Ctrl + G). Duplicate this group a couple of times (Layer > Duplicate Group) and place the newly created plants and shadows like shown below. Lower the opacity of the plants that seem further away.


Step 40

Because the lower part of our scene seems empty let’s add some corals. Open the file “Corals” and select a coral you like. Copy then paste into our scene. Resize the coral as in the image below than change the blend mode to Multiply. Use the Eraser tool or paint with black in the layer mask to soften the hard edges.


Step 41

Repeat the step above but this time select another coral for variety.


Step 42

Open file “Diver” and using the Ctrl-click an the background layer to load a selection of the diver. Copy and paste into our document. Use Free Transform (Ctrl + T) to make the diver small and place him in front of the fish. Change the layer blend mode to Overlay. With every small element added the scene look better.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

25 responses to “Create an Underwater Scene of a Giant Goldfish in Photoshop”

  1. Joshua Gragas! Avatar
    Joshua Gragas!

    I hate you!
    -Joshua Gragas

  2. harold Avatar

    alguno de los tutoriales estan en video para mi es mejor en video gracias

  3. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    I would definitely be interested in getting that set!Thanks for sharing.

  4. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    This is really fantastic. The unlimited access makes it even better 

  5. Peter Demel Avatar
    Peter Demel

    Fantastic idea. I especially like the water surface.

  6. UnS3eN Avatar

    Either I’m blind and don’t see what happened to the “ripples” layers after Step 25 or there are steps missing. There’s no way they go from the jagged-edged difference render to smooth realistic ripples by just blending the edge in with a brush. Clearly there is more manipulation needed to make that layer looks like it does in Step 26.

  7. Crinn Avatar

    What’s the point of having the already-completed project available for download? I can’t access DeviantArt and would love it if the zip file just contained the images and brushes so that I can actually DO the project. Thanks

  8. Emily BOONE Avatar
    Emily BOONE


  9. Ana Avatar

    Tutorial is great. It helps me so much. Thanks

  10. Fiyana Mariya Avatar
    Fiyana Mariya

    You are awesome.
    Thank you so much.

  11. Roy Avatar

    nice work guys…….. its awesome

  12. abdo Avatar

    I reached the point where i should get a nice ripply light on the bottom of the sea .. i did everything just the way it was illustrated but all i get is this ..
    what should i do ?

    1. Mamith Avatar

      Don’t you See the next pages

  13. ferobanjo Avatar

    I like It. Good Job. Thanx

  14. David Whang Avatar
    David Whang

    You are awesome.
    Thank you so much.

  15. selphpoetic Avatar

    The best tutorials!

  16. Gurpreet Avatar

    Sir need can you send pictures in zip file? My email is .

    1. Gurpreet2 Avatar

      What is it>>???

  17. Malvakai Avatar

    TRYING to learn the basics, here bro.

    The eye was not hidden. I know to check that much.

    An explanation WHY something works is how a lot of people learn, not just me. I wasn’t complaining or blaming, just wishing there was more to it.

    1. riper Avatar

      OK I’m ****ing sorry about that bro

  18. Malvakai Avatar

    I wish you could say WHY certain things are done (so I can understand when I might need to use them in the future) and so I can understand what the outcome is supposed to look like.

    For instance… I don’t understand why we need a layer mask in Step 18 and why we are painting in white over the top of it…

    Since it doesn’t seem to want to let me do it as stated (I get an error, “Could not use the brush tool because the target layer is hidden”), I have no idea what the outcome is supposed to be and can’t figure out how to get to the next step without just skipping Step 18.

    1. riper Avatar

      your fault for not knowing the basics. Dont blame the tutorial bro. You can’t paint because your layer is hidden. Click on the EYE icon. Layer mask is like a mask to show\hide what is visible on the layer.

  19. paradox11111 Avatar

    This is so beautiful but please tell me, do I really have to pay for those images? :(

    1. riper Avatar

      no you dont because sxc is a free site

  20. photoshop tutorial Avatar
    photoshop tutorial

    wow…an amazing photoshop tutorial about create a rainbow.

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