In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create an anti-alcohol concept artwork using a range of photo manipulation techniques. You’ll work with blending, masking, image extraction, lighting, coloring, and more.

What you’ll be creating

We’ll start this tutorial by setting up a scene from the sky, ground, and stair images. Then we’ll add the model and do some retouch on her. Later we’ll use the smoke image to build up a dark and mysterious atmosphere. After making the blood we’ll use some adjustment layers to enhance the color and contrast of the whole pic. Then we’ll take care of the lighting and create a special effect for the “gate of hell” with a few adjustment layers, brush and nebula texture. We’ll use an adjustment layer to enhance the final result. You should use Photoshop CS3 or newer to follow this tutorial properly.


Tutorial Resources

Step 1

Create a new document in Photoshop with the following settings:


Step 2

Open the sky stock. Use the Move Tool (V) to drag the sky into our white canvas:


To darken the sky, I used an adjustment layer. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves:


Step 3

Open the ground image. Place it at the bottom of our main document using the Move Tool, also use the Cmd/Ctrl+T key to transform it as shown below:


You can see that I’ve rotated the ground to get a lean angle to fit this tutorial concept.

Click the second button at the bottom of the Layers Panel to add a mask to this layer. Use a basic, soft brush with black color to soften the edge of this ground:


Step 4

To darken the ground, I used a Curves adjustment layer with Clipping Mask:


On this layer mask use a soft black brush with the opacity and flow about 20% to erase the left of this ground (we aim to add a light source there, see in next steps).


Step 5

Open the gate and stair image and isolate it from the background:


Step 6

To remove some of the unwanted details on the stair, make a new layer and active the Clone Tool (S):


Use this tool to delete the indicated details :


Step 7

Hide the background layer by clicking its eye icon. Press Cmd/Ctrl+Option/Alt+Shift+E to merge the extracted stair and the clone layers. Use the Move Tool to drag it into our main image, position it at the left:

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11 responses to “Create an Anti-Alcohol Concept Artwork with Photoshop”

  1. Carlo Avatar

    Once again, just an awesome tutorial. So easy to follow along with~!

  2.  Avatar

    the best i know right i am doing it right now

  3. Daniel Shitta Avatar
    Daniel Shitta

    This is actually a very beautiful idea, I’m actually looking to use an anti-alcohol graphic for a work project. This tutorial has given me some great tips, nice one…

  4. Stephanie Csornok Avatar
    Stephanie Csornok

    SO cool I actually need to do an anti-alcohol graphic for a project right now! I won’t use this verbatim obviously, but this tutorial has given me some GREAT ideas!

  5. PhotoTrims Avatar

    WoW ! excellent tutorial that is. Your writing quality is really easy to understanding. Thank You for sharing….

  6. Maidul Islam Avatar

    very impressive ! love this post! keep up!

  7. Mohamed Nour Avatar

    wooooooow i like this one

  8. claire Avatar

    thats was very wonderful, I tried to do it my self it was an epic fail

  9. Mollika Avatar

    Thanks for your nice artwork. Really is it very helpful for me. because I am new worker about it.

  10.  Avatar

    Thank you so much! I’ve been following your work on Deviantart & I’m a huge fan!

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