Step 7

Change the blending mode of the texture to Multiply. This will hide all the white parts and leave use with the black cracks.


Step 8

Create a new layer and select a dark orange(#882a00) as foreground color. With the chalk brush at 80% Opacity and 2px size paint some redness into the cracks. Name this layer “Cracks Light”.


Step 9

Duplicate the “Cracks Light” layer by pressing Ctrl + D. Double click the layer to enter advanced blending mode. Use the settings below to add some glow.


Step 10

Open the file “Fire1”. Select all, copy and paste into our scene. Convert the imported layer into a smart object. Use Free Transform to position the fire as shown below.


Step 11

Change the blending mode of the fire to Screen. Now only the fire will be visible.


Step 12

Duplicate the fire layer and move it a bit to the left.


Step 13

Group the fire layers together (Ctrl-click on each and press Ctrl + G). Import the fire brush . Add a layer mask and with a black brush hide the sharp corners by painting with a soft black brush and one of the fire brushes in the layer mask.


Step 14

Open the file “Fire2”. Select all, copy and paste into our scene. Convert the newly imported layer into a smart object. Use Free Transform to place the fire as shown below.


Step 15

Change the blending mode of the fire layer to Screen.


Step 16

Add a layer mask to the fire layer. Mask away the hard edges.


Step 17

Duplicate the “Fire2” layer in order to increase the sparkling effect.


Step 18

Duplicate the “Fire2” layer again. Use free transform to place is it as indicated below.


Step 19

Group all the three “Fire2” layers and name the group “Sparks”. You can add a layer mask to further hide the unwanted parts of the fire and sparks.


Step 20

Duplicate the “Fire1” layer and place it as shown below. Change the blending mode to screen.


Step 21

Add a layer mask and use the fire brushes and the soft round brush to mask the hard edges.


Step 22

Duplicate the fire layer we masked at step 21 and move a bit lower to cover the entire wooden portion of the scythe.


Step 23

Duplicate the fire layer again but this time move up the wooden portion of the scythe to further increase the brightness of the flames.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

6 responses to “How to Create an Awesome Fiery Grim Reaper by Combining Images”

  1.  Avatar

    Awesome tutorial!

  2. Kvng Jimmie Avatar
    Kvng Jimmie


  3.  Avatar

    nic boy

  4. Stephanie Avatar

    That looks incredible! I can barely recognize the images in the final result. Well done and thanks for sharing.

  5. Dilan Santhosh Avatar
    Dilan Santhosh

    nice ja

  6. Fin Navasquez Avatar
    Fin Navasquez

    Jerson Acabado

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