
Step 27

Repeat the same process from step 24 to step 26 for the Octave layer, but change the blend mode to Multiply in the end. If done correctly, you’ll get result as shown in the screenshot below.


Step 28

Open another stock image we got from here, the new york cityscape. Copy and paste the cityscape into our work, place it under all layers.This is also the time to pick the right part from the cityscape to show, maybe rotate it a bit to get a better look.


Step 29

Go to Image> Adjustment> Desaturate to desaturate the cityscape image. Next, reduce the layer opacity around 40%.


Step 30

Create new layer above the cityscape layer, you can rename the layer as you like, mine is “black vintage” (i know that’s lame, please deal with it). Now grab the Brush tool, pick the soft brush (the one with Hardness 0%) and lower the brush Opacity to 30%.


Step 31

With the brush tool, paint the canvas edge with black. More opacity on each corner as shown in the screenshot below.


Step 32

Now create a new layer above the “black vintage” layer, i call it “white exposure” (feel free to give it another name, i won’t mad! :). Still using the brush tool, this time paint the middle areas with white. See image example below.


Step 33

Open up the dove image we got from here. The fastest and easy way to extract the bird was using the Quick Selection tool. Grab the tool and start creating selection by click and drag around the bird.


Step 34

Sure that’s a quick selection we’ve done there, but anything that was done quickly, often sacrificing quality. Go to Select> Refine Edge menu to show the Refine Edge dialog. Here, activate the Smart radius checklist and play around with the Adjust Edge settings to smoothen the selection’s edge. Click OK to apply.


Step 35

Copy and paste the bird above the red circle layer. Use the transform command to adjust the bird’s size and position as shown in the example below.


Step 36

You may notice the subtle black colored edges around the bird, we can remove that easily by going to the Layer> Matting> Remove Black Matte. Be gone!


Step 37

Duplicate the bird by pressing [CTRL] [J], flip it horizontally by going to menu Edit> Transform> Flip Horizontal. Now place it on the left side of the red circle. Make it smaller by using the transform menu.

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20 responses to “Create a Captivating Street Dance Competition Poster with Photoshop”

  1. jenunghid Avatar

    thankyou yaaa i enjoyed

  2. vanessa Avatar

    really enjoyed following your tutorial!

  3. Ketki Avatar

    Thanks for sharing such useful tutorial. i am big fan of street dancing and making the poster for street dancing that will be awesome. Definitely going to follow your tips in the next poster of street dance.

  4. vendle Avatar

    That poster would get my attention!

  5.  Avatar

    great!! thanks for the technique

  6. Kathy Avatar

    Thanks for offering this! I learned some new tricks as I worked my way through your tutorial. You have a very artistic eye, too.

  7.  Avatar

    Thanks! I learned new tricks as I worked my way through your tutorial!

  8. Stephanie Avatar

    I’ve always wondered how these posters were made, now I know! I really like the subtle touch of the bird’s feathers. Thank you for sharing. I’m looking forward to using some of these techniques in my own work.

  9. irina Avatar


  10. Ivan Petrov Avatar
    Ivan Petrov

    Thank you for the time and efforts!

  11. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Awesome resources.Huge collection.Great job.Very useful post.

  12. KatoChye Avatar

    Nice turotial and I learned what is the smart object use in photoshop. Thank you.

  13. XukiNo Kay Avatar
    XukiNo Kay

    thanks . Awesome tutorial. I learned another something useful from your tutorial :)

  14. Sadi Avatar

    Thank You1

  15. J Avatar

    Awesome tutorial. Managed to get it right and learned a few things along the way. Thank you!

    1. jayan Avatar

      glad you like it ^_^

  16. Faqeeh Avatar

    Halo Mas Jayan Saputra, salam kenal..

    1. jayan Avatar

      halo salam kenal juga :)

  17. Balaguru Avatar

    Step 10 is confusing. Please elaborate

    1. jayan Avatar

      draw an ellipse shape, set the fill color to red and set the stroke width/size to 5px, pick white as stroke color (i made this with photoshop cs6)

      after that, just add layer style Stroke

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