
Step 28

Open tree stock. I copy a part of the tree and paste it into the pic:


Use layer mask to make the tree stand under model dress :


Step 29

Make a new layer with Clipping Mask, I use Clone Tool to fix some details of the tree:


We’ll be changing color of the tree later.

Step 30

Extract crow and put him above the nest:


Step 31

Apply some adjustment layers for the crow:


Step 32

Now we’re going to create light effect for the scene. Make a new layer on the top. Use soft brush with color #ff6600 to paint on the bottom right and change the mode to Soft Light 100%:


On the next layer I change brush color to #ef4c54. Paint on the two edges and set the mode to Soft Light 100%:


Step 33

Make three layers on the top. On the first I use color #ff6600 to paint over the tree and lower part of model dress and hands. I change the mode to Color 100%:


On the second and third I use color #ef4c54 to paint on tree, model dress, hands and bottom right of the pic. I alter the mode of the second to Color 30%, the third to Soft Light 90%:


Step 34

Place the fire background at the lower part of the pic:


Use Spatter 24 pixels brush with same settings in step 14 to trim the edges. The aim is to achieve a rich, flaming look but not too obvious. You can see the result of mine on the mask and the picture:


Step 35

Open fire stock. Take different parts of the fire to position around the tree root. Duplicate and transform the fire if needed:


Change the mode of these fire layers to Screen 100% and use layer mask to erase and blur some details on the fires:


Step 36

To remove hard edges of the fires, double click a fire layer, choose Blending Options. Hold Alt/Option key and drag black slider of This Layer to the right until the black edge disappear. Then make all other fire layers selected, right click and choose Copy Layer Styles. We have result:


Step 37

Group all fire layers and change the mode to Screen 100%. I use Color Balance and Curves to make the fire effect redder and less obvious:


On Curves layer mask I erase a bit on the right of the fire part:


Step 38

Final touch: I use two adjustment layers on the top to enhance the contrast and color of the whole picture:

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

19 responses to “Create a Chilling Abstract Using Photos and Textures”

  1.  Avatar


  2. Vikas Avatar

    Nice tutorials

  3. Brad Johnson Avatar
    Brad Johnson

    Awesome tutorial. I like to do composites that are similar to this, but my process is a bit longer. I think you just showed me a few shortcuts, which is nice!

  4. maihoangphuc Avatar

    Wow! Very good! Thanks you very much.!!

  5. Tucci Andrea Avatar
    Tucci Andrea


  6. Th One Avatar
    Th One

    I believe the purpose is not to have you use the same photo at all. It simply shows you how to do the effects, and you can then choose your own photos to edit.

  7. clippingpatharea Avatar

    Absolutely beautiful works.. This is what called “Creativity”.

  8. Smith Avatar

    Very good.

  9. Ma Avatar

    But you can download the PSD file and there are the stock images

  10. Jordan Avatar

    WHAT exactly is the purpose of trying to have us follow a tutorial with stock images that are not free?? Are we expected to purchase them JUST for the purpose of following this tutorial? I’m confused.

    1. Pejman Avatar

      Try to understand it from the writers view. I wish everything is free but bot everything is free on the web and often times the photos needed are not available free. The way I see tutorials is learn… but don’t copy. The tutorial appears like it can be completed with a different model picture. Find a model picture on DeviantART or use Google.

    2.  Avatar

      I m Agree jordan sir.

    3. Martin Lewis Avatar
      Martin Lewis

      You don’t have to use the photo they linked to. There are plenty of free stock photos and they work on this tutorial. The point is to learn not to copy.

  11. Unidong Avatar

    Good tutorial. Only downside is you have to pay for the model’s picture.

    1. jackie Avatar

      check the PSD ;)

  12. karan verma Avatar
    karan verma

    I like this effect but

  13. silverstone Avatar

    too much photo-manipulation tutorials

  14. lele Avatar

    didnt help

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