Step 17
Open crow 1 stock. Isolate him and put him beside model ear:

Add layer mask to crow 1 layer and use soft brush with opacity about 50-55% to blend the lower part of the crow with model head:

Step 18
On the crow 1 layer, go to Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Gradient Map and check Clipping Mask options:

Pick default colors (black and white) for Gradient Map to desaturate this crow:

Step 19
I used Curves with Clipping Mask to darken this crow:

Step 20
Add crow 2 after extracting to the disintegrated hair part of the model:

Use derbis brushes with same setting in step 4 to blend the crow with this disintergration.

Step 21
Use a Gradient Map layer with black and white for this crow :

Step 22
Put crow 3 at the right of the pic, between flying feathers:

I used Curves to lower the contrast of the crow:

Step 23
I added a Hue/Saturation layer to desaturate this crow:

Step 24
Make some layers on the top. Use black and debris brushes to add to disintegrated hair. Play with transform tools and different brushes until you feel good. Don’t hesitate to use layer mask if needed to get a better result. Here is mine:

Step 25
Make group for debris layers as done with model and hair. Use Curves above all these ones to decrease the contrast of them a little:

Step 26
Create a layer on the top. Use a red color for brush (I picked #ff0000) to paint on the eye of the crow beside model ear to make an evil effect. Change the mode to Color 100%:

Step 27
We’ll add some decoration to model eye. Make a new layer and pick black for basic brush with 2 px. Press F5 to change settings of this brush to Pen Pressure:

Use this brush to paint small lines around model eye and on crow 1. This does not need to be so precise and neat:

Step 28
On a new layer use same brush with with red color (#ff0000) to paint another lines between black ones:

Step 29
Add spiral brush (number 1176) to model eye with smaller size. I used layer mask to remove unwanted lines:

Step 30
Final step: I used a Hue/Saturation layer to increase the vibrance of the red effect:

Final Results
![crow30-final[1] crow30-final[1]](https://cdn.photoshoptutorials.ws/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/crow30-final1.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&webp=82&avif=82&w=1920&ssl=1)
Download the PSD
Tutorial by Jenny Le
Thank you for reading this tutorial, I hope it useful for you. If you want to view my other arts and tutorials you can follow me on Facebook, visit my website or look at my Deviantart . Enjoy photoshopping!
26 responses to “Create A Dark Abstract Crow Photo Manipulation”
its so good man my name is burhan yürük on devianart.
i used your stuffss. i love u so muchhhhhhhhhh likes from gebze kocaeli. -
no entiendo paso 4
Thank you for this amazing tutorial.. I loved it!
Here’s what I’ve created:
Looks great! Good job
I followed your tutorials and I did some modification. Thanks, :)
you are really cool ! Thank you so much for sharing !
this is really awesome!! thank you! *hugs you*
nice very nice
I like the idea of this tutorial, it’s very creative and the result looks great.
Thank you for the great tutorial! It has been very helpful to see a few techniques in action
Some steps are very vague. Good result, though.
This tutorial looks awesome, too bad i can’t find a decent model stock..
Where is the best place to search for free stocks? -
i’ve been working with elements for five years and finally got real photoshop… what a fun intro to the program, had so much fun with this!
Great tutorial
I made your tutorial, but I did some modifications. :) http://ednasnake.deviantart.com/art/Abstract-crow-girl-449420439?ga_submit_new=10%253A1398203026
I do not understand step 4&5 @@!
I love to make design with Photoshop.
I found this cool to work on! I found a model profile that already had a few feathers in her hair. Worked good! Thank you!
OMG I’m gonna aggree with you both!
wow ! so cool thx mate
omg i really like this i feel like i can photoshop anything THANK YOU SO MUCH ILOVEYOU
Love you Tooo!!!!!!<333333
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