
Add the left rock to the main scene. Make sure to position this left rock layer above the rock folder. Take the free transform tool. With the tool scale, its size to the one needed. We need to alter the perspective of this rock, to do this right-click on the document when the free transform tool still activated to show up free transform option. Choose perspective. Drag the anchor point to the direction shown in the screenshot to alter the perspective of the rock:


Duplicate the left rock layer and move the duplicate to the right side to place it in front of the rock created in the previous step 3. I named this duplicate right rock. Take the free transform tool and alter the shape of this right rock by warping it.


Step 5

In this step, we will add waterfalls to the scene. Open the waterfall image and cut out the part needed.


Add the waterfall to the main scene. Scale its size and place it between the right and left rock. Flip it horizontally and alter the perspective to have the one like this:


Here is what we should have so far….


We need to hide some unneeded parts of the waterfall layer. I think we know what to do to execute this purpose, don’t we? Yes…..! We use layer mask…! Give this waterfall layer a layer mask and mask parts unneeded as highlighted in red to hide them. Use a very soft round brush to mask them.


Here is the result I created after being masked.


Next, duplicate the waterfall layer and move the duplicate to the right a bit to have the result like the one below. Don’t be panic if you do not get the exact result like the one I created, you can compose your own waterfall composition as you prefer. It’s not a big deal, is it? So can we go on now?


Step 6

Ok, let’s go to the next process. Select the right rock layer again to be active on it. Give this layer a layer mask. Mask some areas where needed as highlighted in red. The main purpose of this masking is to blend the layer to the rock behind it. Use a very soft brush to do this. To alter the shape of the rock edges we can mask them as well, we should use chalk brush taken in the brush preset to this purpose.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

18 responses to “How to Create a Dark Mysterious Hideout from a Rough Sketch”

  1.  Avatar

    Does’t work to just copy and paste images to new document. Can’t transform. Needs another way to be able to move the cut out images into the new document and still be able to transform.

  2. Ajay Yashpaul Avatar
    Ajay Yashpaul

    Hey! Dek Wid,
    My bad ;) I missed the link to next page. Beautiful work. I really love the way you combined different Images. Looking forward to see more from your side.

  3. Ajay Yashpaul Avatar
    Ajay Yashpaul

    You have not shown the complete tutorial. Want to see rest of the steps after step 14 till that blue mysterious atmosphere… ;)

    Ajay Yashpaul

  4. Duy Cua Avatar
    Duy Cua

    Thank you very very much…I had finished 98% this tutorial:) .Just some step last example nebula, girl … is difficult

  5. eifion69 Avatar

    Brilliant Tutorial. I will add it to my next years calendar.
    More please Dek.

  6. Frans Avatar

    Marvellous creativity. I love it!

  7. Grace Kim Avatar
    Grace Kim

    amazing tutorial so far! Two thumbs up!

  8. Kate Avatar

    There’s something wrong with the perspective of the castle I suppose

  9. java Avatar

    good work and continue we are waiting for more

  10.  Avatar

    good work and continue we are waiting for more

  11. Joseph Avatar

    Nice work buddy.. you are real artist..!!

  12. dongxiao Avatar


  13. dongxiao Avatar


    1.  Avatar


  14.  Avatar

    Dek your tutorials are the best on this website

  15. Lyna Avatar

    This is a great tutorial, this is what we want, a tutorial with quality.
    Thanks Photoshop Tutorials and Dek Wid for this powerful tutorial.

  16. Bayor Ogunshola Avatar
    Bayor Ogunshola

    plis can u kindly teach us…we want to know more plis…post it!

  17. Sharafat Zafar Avatar
    Sharafat Zafar

    i love this job

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