Create a beautiful photo manipulation ancient epic Scandinavians. In this tutorial, you learn to work with the transformation of objects, creating an atmosphere building landscape, learn to work with layer masks and adjustment layers, and more.

What you’ll be creating

Begin work creating the landscape and adapt it to the picture. Then, create a mountainside and organize sailing ships. The next step is to add models and entourage (stone and crows). Paying little attention to heaven. In the end, add adjustment layers and special effects.
You’ll need any version of Photoshop, inspiration, good mood, turn on your favorite music and take a cup of tea :)

Tutorial Resources

Step 1

Before you start, download all the material in one place. So it will be easier to work with them. Open Photoshop and start by creating! Create a new document. Go to File > New or the short key Cmd /Ctrl+ N. A blank document with a size of 3000 pixels wide and 2000 pixels high. I named the document “Scandinavians”.


Step 2

Now I have added a picture of the landscape. Go to File > Place and select the image of the landscape.


This picture is the foundation and it makes sense to frame for the proper construction of the composition. So it will be easier to work on photo manipulation. At the end of the work, we will remove it.


Step 3

After addition of the landscape, then stretch, as shown in Figure. When you put the picture it automatically in the transformation. But if not, transform the landscape, press the short key Cmd /Ctrl+ T or go to Edit > Transform > Scale. Pull the black cubes in the corners formed frame.


Resize the picture so that it will cover the whole workspace and go beyond the edges of the document. Do not worry about losing quality. The picture has the function of the skeleton and the quality is not particularly necessary.


Step 4

Now let’s start creating our main landscape. Create a new group clicking on the icon of the group in the Layers palette and name it “land”.


Step 5

Let’s start creating photo manipulation with water. Put in work photo landscape with fog. Go to File > Place and select the image of the landscape with fog.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

28 responses to “Create This Epic Manipulation of Ancient Scandinavians in Photoshop”

  1.  Avatar

    I appreciate you making this tutorial. The original stocks aren’t there, but the concepts are good, and I followed most of them before changing it to my own art.

  2. Stephanie Avatar

    IMG_0238? Never said where that is…

  3. Aalia Avatar

    cant get zip folder of pictures of i am not able to continue with steps having those set of images..please help me in this.. and really great work..good job

    please help me with the set of pictures of fjords used in this project.

  4. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    A very smart approach to explain the things,like your step by step tutorial.

  5. Morning Star Avatar
    Morning Star

    Hello Maria! Your photmanip is awesome but the link to the image at step 81 is broken and I can’t complete mine :(

    1. Enrique Matos Avatar
      Enrique Matos

      I have that problem, and here is parameters (i download the file)
      Selective Color
      * cian +43
      * magenta +40
      * yellow +100
      * black 0
      Color BLUE
      * cian 0
      * magenta 0
      * yellow +14
      * black 0

    2.  Avatar

      Hi! There will need to add an adjustment layer “Selective Color…” Go to Layer New Adjustment layer > Selective Color… or use icon on Layer panel. Excuse me, for an unfortunate mistake with the picture. Previously, it was. I hope you will be able to open this –

      If not, here are the settings for the adjustment layer:
      1. Preset: Custom, Colors: Blues.
      Settings for this color: Cyan:0, Magenta:0, Yellow:+14, Black:0.
      2. Preset: Custom, Colors: Yellows.
      Settings for this color: Cyan:+43, Magenta:+40, Yellow:+100, Black:0.
      Thank you very much! I really appreciate it! Once again, forgive me!

    3. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Hi! There will need to add an adjustment layer “Selective Color…” Go to Layer New Adjustment layer > Selective Color… or use icon on Layer panel. Excuse me, for an unfortunate mistake with the picture. Previously, it was. I hope you will be able to open this –

      If not, here are the settings for the adjustment layer:
      1. Preset: Custom, Colors: Blues.
      Settings for this color: Cyan:0, Magenta:0, Yellow:+14, Black:0.
      2. Preset: Custom, Colors: Yellows.
      Settings for this color: Cyan:+43, Magenta:+40, Yellow:+100, Black:0.
      Thank you very much! I really appreciate it! Once again, forgive me!

  6. mamoon zeeshan ali Avatar
    mamoon zeeshan ali

    i watch all the steps & read carefully to all of yours helping ideas, but i am just start the working on photoshop cs6 version & i have no idea for doing the work on photoshop… so who can help me for make one tour & travel web layout…??? i am waiting for the replies & thankyou maria for your best teaching way… i think you can help me very well

  7. Mireille D Avatar
    Mireille D

    Thank you for this beautiful well detailed tutorial, and I have a lot of fun to make:

  8. Holsteyns richard Avatar
    Holsteyns richard

    IMG_0328 ??

    1. Holsteyns richard Avatar
      Holsteyns richard

      IMG_0328 found thanks Maria Semelevich.
      Thanks a lot.

  9. Delores Dorman Avatar
    Delores Dorman

    awesome!! Thank you so much for your quick response!

  10. Youlights Avatar

    Hi i could not find the step 5 picture in your links , i have all of them except that one …

    Is it still available ?

  11. Delores Dorman Avatar
    Delores Dorman

    I have not been able to locate a few of the pictures I needed to download for this project. The Fjords link shows a photo that says 11 photos. I’m pretty new at this but I have no idea how to get the 11 photos. They seem to be in one photo?

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Hi! I understand, but on the right side of the resource page is a great button “Download”. Click on it and save the file to your computer. Then use program to unzip photos (for example WinRAR) in the corect folder. Then locate the file of the photo with the name “IMG_0328” and place it in your work. That’s it! You can continue worked. Just the author made ​​a presentation that be in his archive. This is an advertisement :) I checked that the archive is desired photo and he downloaded from the site. I hope I helped you.

    2. phat Avatar

      i can’t find the button you said!! where the Download button???

  12. angel Avatar

    I can’t find the picture used in step 13, the picture of fjord is not found from the resources given.

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      This image in the RAR archive. Download the complete archive of photos and there it’s called IMG_0326

    2. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Go to the page with the resource Pictures of Fjords – xxmynightmarexx. Download an archive of photos and there you will find just the right photo. It is called IMG_0328

    3. anonymous Avatar

      you can’t found that image in here

  13. hf Avatar

    thank you for inspirations!, i did your tutorial but with my own style :)

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that!
      I am very glad that my work has inspired you! Good luck in your future works!

    1.  Avatar

      Thank you!

  14. Angelika Kruse Avatar
    Angelika Kruse

    Thank you so much for this share – it is amazing


    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that!
      The work was great, but I hope useful. Soon in this site will still be my tutorial. Invite view them :)
      Thanks for the great review!

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