Learn how to make epic text effect, by simple steps. You will learn, how to make beautiful background to your typography by brushes and stock images. This tutorial will teach you, how to play with layer styles in awesome way.

What you’ll be creating

You will start from creating background. You will know how to load brush and how to use Cloud filter in Photoshop. Then, you will see how to make epic typography, which can be used in games, covers or flyers in simple steps. At the end, you will learn how to make glow on things. You’ll need Photoshop CS5.5 or newer to follow this tutorial.final-results

Tutorial Resources

Step 1

Let’s start by creating new file – File > New.step-001

Step 2

Add new Adjustment layer with Solid Color. It will be our background. I used #141414, but you can pick any other color for your work :).step-002

Step 3

Add another adjustment layer with Gradient fill. Here you will create a vignette effect.step-003

Step 4

You should make your picture more deeper. Add new layer. In your color picker pick black and white. Then, go to Filter > Render > Clouds.step-004

Step 5

Pick gradient tool. Draw black-transparent gradient on created layer, as shown.step-005

Step 6

Now, add mask to created layer. Use gradient tool, for masking. I’ve choosen black-white radial gradient with small radius.step-006

Step 7

Place “Forest stock” to your file.step-007Go to top menu. Choose filter > Blur > Gaussian blur.step-007aIn your color picker set black and gray colors. Click on canvas next to your layer (mask). Then, add radial gradient by gradient tool.step-007b

Step 8

Add adjustment layer with Color/Balance. You’ll make colors cooler xD.step-008

Step 9

Again you should use technique which makes picture deeper. Add new layer. In your color picker set black and white colors. Go to Filter > Render > Clouds.step-009Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur. Rendered clouds are really sharp.step-009aChange blending mode to Overlay, decrease opacity to 55%.step-009b

Step 10

Now you’ll draw glow. Pick blue color. Use Soft brush with decreased opacity (around 50%). Draw some strokes on trees and draw some random dots on grass.step-0010Add blur for this layer. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.step-0010aAt the end of this step, change opacity to 25%.step-0010b

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14 responses to “Create an Epic Metal Text Effect From Scratch”

  1. Debris Avatar

    scratched texture can not be found… where is it?

  2. yo mama Avatar
    yo mama


  3.  Avatar

    Final is too dark. You need to make it brighter and recalibrate your monitor.

  4. mukulmamun Avatar

    This post was PERFECT! thank you!

  5.  Avatar

    its not that good

    1.  Avatar

      yes i hate this

    2.  Avatar

      i hate this page

  6.  Avatar

    it’s a waste of time

  7. Srboljub Dimitrijevic Avatar
    Srboljub Dimitrijevic

    Hvala dobra ideja !!!

  8.  Avatar

    next time make the instructions clear

  9. Jitendra Avatar

    The explanations are a piece of crap

  10.  Avatar

    Ur explanations are awesome Monika Nowakowska. Great article !!

  11. Aline Oliveira Gouvêa Avatar
    Aline Oliveira Gouvêa

    Marlon Gouvêa

  12. Laced up Design Diary. Avatar
    Laced up Design Diary.

    I can provide Some ……………………………..amazing tutorials ! #someamazingtutorials

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