Red should be shaded with dark green (according to color theory), so use it to shade all the leather parts. I used the same shade to change the color of boots and pelts too, too much red would look… weird. When it comes to the metal, shade it with everything that surrounds it – sky, light, red leather…

Some people have problems with making lineless artwork sharp. A good trick helping it is not to use a light on a whole lighted surface. Leave some base color at the border – very thin one – and you’ll see how good it looks from distance.

Use the colors of the sky to put lights on every surface. Try to add some depth to it, and follow the trick from the step above all the time.

Step 9 – leather brush
Create a new file and draw some scratches there. Avoid putting any details, it should be consistent and almost round in shape. Use only black. When you’re done, choose Edit > Define Brush Preset. Now you’ve got a new brush!

Now you need to adjust the preferences to your needs. These are my options – you don’t need to follow them, feel free to experiment.

Now create a new layer within the outfit’s clipping mask and use your new brush to paint leather texture. Don’t leave it as it is, shade it too, cover a little with other tones – make it natural.

Step 10
Shade all the outfit carefully, draw the borders – finish all the leather elements so that you can leave it for now.

Step 11
Color the pauldron roughly – simulate some scratches, then put some colors and cover them with soft painted grey.

When metal’s surface is polished, it reflects everything around it. So, look around and paint it on the pauldron. Use hard brush, paint quickly, and use Screen Mode when you need to stress any light.

The heels are in the shadow, so they won’t reflect so much light. Paint them with dark colors and don’t forget to blend them into the ground.

Use the method you’ve just learnt to every metal surface in the outfit. You can also add some details, like buckles.

Step 12
To create a chain-skirt we’ll need another brush. It will save you a lot of time – who’d like to draw a link by link?
10 responses to “Create a Fantasy Warrior Painting From Scratch”
Unable to download the “Pose References” file … Please advise. Thanks
Doing things like this from scratch really makes you appreciate the work that goes into it.
Some Fantastic images here, some really creative, some excellent timing.
amazing tutorial. Just bought the graphic tablet, so I was not sure, how to handle no line art, this helped a lot. Thanks
I was just looking about that, thanks for worth sharing.
haven’t tried it yet but going to in a few days. just want to say thanks for taking your time to do this and looks great I hope to be able to do it to :)
why this type brushes not work properly waagraphics.com
what brush do you use to scketch ?I’ m super amatuer on this !
interesting…i like it
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