
Step 31

Open microphone picture. Judging from the shape and color, seems that we have to do it ‘the old way’. Create path following microphone’s shape using Pen tool. Make sure pen mode:Path and Exclude Overlapping Shapes option is selected before you start creating the path. note: I assume you already knew how to use Pen tool. If not, that means you have homework to do.


Step 32

Right click with the Pen tool, choose Make Selection menu. Click OK in the Make Selection dialog.


Step 33

The path is change into selection now, copy the selected area by pressing [CTRL] [C].


Step 34

Back to our music flyer document, press [CTRL] [V] to paste microphone copy into canvas. Right Click microphone layer, select Convert to Smart Object menu . Note: by converting layer into smart object, any changes happen in that layer will not damage the image quality. This will be usefull when we need to resize image multiple times.


Step 35

Press [CTRL] [T] for Free transform command. Adjust microphone size and position as shown in the picture below, hit [ENTER] to apply transformation.


Step 36

With the same method from step 31 to 35, add more musical objects like headset, audio jack and earphone. Don’t forget to convert each layer into smart object.


Step 37

Go to File> Place menu to find and insert the fractal image into document. Adjust its size and position, then hit [ENTER]. This way, photoshop will automatically convert the fractal layer into smart object. Drag fractal layer below model layer.


Step 38

Press [Ctrl] [T] to do some transformation for the fractal image. Rotate and ajust its size as shown in the image below. Hit [Enter] to apply transformation.


Step 39

Still on the fractal layer, set the blend mode to Screen. All black dan dark colors should disappear now, leaving only fractal glows.


Step 40

Repeat step 38 – 39 to add another fractal image, or you could simply copy the layer by pressing [Ctrl] [J] and do some different placement for variation purpose.


Step 41

Go to File> Place again to insert the render pack image. Make sure you place render pack layer between fractal and model layer. Use the Edit> Transform> Flip Vertical menu to flip it vertically.

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5 responses to “Create Groovy Music Flyer Poster with Photoshop and Illustrator”

  1. Edward Lee Avatar
    Edward Lee

    This is great job !!!
    clap…. Clap….clap..

  2. Inxzen Avatar

    Thanks for the info.

  3. Kondwani Munkondia Avatar
    Kondwani Munkondia

    #Famous_Boy_Attitude Boss Liked This

  4. mirza Avatar

    The tutorial is very great, i am following some of your tutorial from last few days, I love your website because you have some well written and profestional photoshop tutorials.. Keep it up

  5. Aung Avatar

    Thank you

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