Step 43
Duplicate “Bear” Layer and name it “Bear Shadow, then press douple click on it and select Color Overlay and choose Black Layer as it shown.

Now Transform it by click Ctrl+T and transform it as it shown.

Use Eraser tool with soft brush as it shown then eras the frot area of shadow.

Lower the opacity Of “Bear Shadow” to 30%, then go to Filter > Blur > Box blur and make the Radius : 7 Pixels then press OK.

Step 44
Place Vulture Stock to Design as it shown.

Step 45
Create New Layer and Use Soft Brush with Black Color then paint the shadow under the Vulture.

Step 46
Place Tortoise as it shown.

Step 47
Add Grass Around the “Tortoise” layer using the same technique.

Step 48
Add Leaves To Design as it Shown, then Transform by click Ctrl+T then press Right Click and select Warp.

Now Transform it as it shown.

Go To Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and make the Radius : 1.5 Pixels then press OK.

Use The same technique and place the rest of leaves to get like the image below.

Step 49
Use soft Brush (Size : 400 px / Hardness 0%) with this color : f2c979.

Step 50
Use this brush and paint in this area as it shown.

Lower the opacity to 50% and change the Blending Mood To Screen.

Use Different Sizes Of the brush and paint above the Cave and make the opacity between 40% to 60%.

Step 51
Go To Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color and Choose this color:4c591a then press OK.

Lower the Opacity to 40% ,the fill to 50% and change the Blending Mood to Overlay.

Step 52
Place Texture 1 as it shown.

Lower the opacity to 50% , Fill : 80% and change Blending mood to Soft Light.

Step 53
Place Texture 2 as it shown..

Lower the opacity to 50% , Fill : 85% and change the blendeing mood to Screen.

Step 54
Place Texture 3 as it shown.

Create a new Black & White adjustment layer.

Change light to : e1ad35 as it shown.

Now Right Click on “Black & White” Layer and select Create Clipping Mask or press Alt+Ctrl+G.

Now Lower the opacity of Texture 3 layer to 60% and change Blending Mood to Soft Light.

Step 55
Now Create New Group and name It “Effects” and in it create those adjustments and focus on Blending Mood, Opacity and Fill.
9 responses to “Create a Hungry Bear Composite in Photoshop”
This would be a really cool tutorial if it had the image steps
No images steps.
asw creative work
really…shadows from bear an the lights on bear doesnt fit for me
The lighting was fantastic…
nice… -
Is it possible to have source file/ psd because many source images are not available any more?
I also can’t find the images
no have Bridge Stock.
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