In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create an emotional scene using photo-manipulation skills. You’ll learn how to play with color, blend using adjustment layers and brush, add texture, work with lighting effect and more.

Tutorial Resources

Step 1

Let’s start with creating new document in Photoshop. Go to File > New .. Set its Width on 862px, Height on 1168px and Resolution on 300Pixels/Inch. Press OK.

Step 2

Now, Place Land Stock and name it “Land” As it shown.


Step 3

Place Cave Stock as it shown and name it “Cave”.

Step 4

Use Pen Tool make path around the cave as it shown.

Step 5

After Finish the path press right click and choose Make Selection and make Feather Radius 0.9 pixels as it shown.

Step 6

Now you made selection around cave as it shown.

Step 7

Click on “Add Layer Mask” Or Go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal Selection.


Step 8

Now You made the area inside the selection visible(white area in the mask) and the rest of area invisible(black area in the mask) as it shown.


Step 9

On the mask layer, use soft brush with (size : 145 px / hardness 50%) as it shown.


Step 10

Now make sure you are using Black color then, paint on the area which front of cave as it shown.


Step 11

Open Trees File and use this one.


Step 12

Take this tree to Design file and name it Cave Curves as it shown, then Add Layer Mask to it.


Step 13

Now Transform the layer to adjust the Cave, then use Soft Brush with black color and paint in Layer Mask.


Step 14

Repeat it Around the cave as it shown ,then put them in Group and Name it Cave’s Grass.


Step 15

Use Same technique With others trees around Cave to get it like that.


Step 16

Now Add Layer Mask To “land” Layer.


Step 17

Use black Brush and Paint the are behind the cave as it shown(paint in Layer Mask).


Step 18

Place “River” stock between “Land” layer and “Cave” layer as it shown.


Step 19

Add Layer Mask To “River” layer as it shown.


Step 20

Use black Brush and Paint the are behind the cave as it shown(paint in Layer Mask).


Step 21

Place “Mountain” file and transform it as it shown.

Step 22

Using Quick Selection Tool Make Selection around “Mountains”

Step 22

Using Quick Selection Tool Make Selection around “Mountains”

Step 23

Now Add Layer Mask to “Mountains” Layer and that what you get.

Pages: 1 2 3 4

9 responses to “Create a Hungry Bear Composite in Photoshop”

  1. Arthur Reynolds Avatar
    Arthur Reynolds

    This would be a really cool tutorial if it had the image steps

  2. Andrey Avatar

    No images steps.

  3. Rakesh Kumar Avatar
    Rakesh Kumar

    asw creative work

  4. 034PIX Avatar

    really…shadows from bear an the lights on bear doesnt fit for me

  5. vahid Avatar

    The lighting was fantastic…

  6. Peter Avatar

    Is it possible to have source file/ psd because many source images are not available any more?

  7. Tony Avatar

    I also can’t find the images

  8. i cant find source images from links Avatar
    i cant find source images from links


  9. huyenchauthuc Avatar

    no have Bridge Stock.

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