Set the layers blending mode to Overlay and opacity to 100%. For the brush color, use #9e9e9e.

Step 18 – More roots and rocks

In this step, I just made copies from the roots which I already had. Then, I built a few new ones (Folder ROOTS_FINAL). I also added a few floating stones (Folder: ROCK_SMALL). I used the Lasso tool (L) to make a cutout of them (ROCKS / ROCKS_01.psd).
Open the file ROOT_TOP – Folder ROOT / ROOT_TOP.psd. Use the Lasso Tool (L) to create a cutout of it.

Step 19 – Adding shadows and highlights on dancer

In this step, I will add some highlights to the dancer and shadows to the roots. Add new layer (Layer > New > Layer or Shift+Ctrl+N). Set the layers blending mode to Color Burn and opacity to 45%. Use a soft brush and paint it with the color #39362f. You’ll have to apply a shadow layer to the Dancer layer. To do this, press and hold Ctrl/Cmd and point your cursor above the red line. You will see an icon – click on it. Do this operation with all the layers shown in this step.
Make a copy of the SHADOW layer (Ctrl/Cmd+J) and move it to the arm.
Add new layer (Layer > New > Layer or Shift+Ctrl+N). Now go to Edit > Fill. Set the contents to 50% Gray then click OK. For this layer, set the blending mode to Overlay and opacity to 100%. Use the Dodge tool with a soft brush and paint on this layer. For the brush settings, I used an exposure between 20-50%.
This is the layer set to Normal.
Add new layer (Layer > New > Layer or Shift+Ctrl+N). Set the layers blending mode to Normal and opacity to 100%. Use soft brush and paint with white (#ffffff)

Step 20 – ROOK

In this step I will work on ROOK. The lower part of the tail does not look good. You have to add a few feathers.
But first use the Burn Tool (O) and make tail a bit darker.
Now use the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) and cut feathers. Use the Burn Tool (O) and make feathers a bit darker. Prepare various size of feathers.
Build the missing part of the tail.
I use 16 feathers for this.
The ROOK is ready! Add it to your final image.

Step 21 – Last Clouds

In this step I will add the last layers with clouds. Actually, we already have them ready, they need only a small improvement.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

26 responses to “Create This Incredible Surreal Photo Manipulation of a Dancer in Photoshop”

  1. mukulmamun Avatar

    Thanks for tutorial, it is very useful for beginners like us.

  2. Allando Avatar

    Where do we get the bricks, ground, clouds etc.?

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      It’s in the “Tutorial Resources” zip file (BRICKS / MAIN_BRICK.psd)

  3. Renascor Sarpodyx Avatar
    Renascor Sarpodyx

    Nice! Although it lacks information :'(

  4. krish mulllins Avatar
    krish mulllins

    Really great fantastic work thanks for share it .

  5. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    These look fantastic! Thanks for bringing them together – what a great collection

  6. Althea Avatar

    You lost me! :( I apply the color & gradient maps just like you said but no color comes through!

  7. Samantha Avatar

    Why would you use a shutterstock copyrighted image that has to purchased? We cant use this dancers image at a deent size/resolution without purchasing it. Makes this tutorial kind of a fail :(

  8. john thomas Avatar
    john thomas

    hmmm, Shutterstock hay? ……….no thanks! i’ll pass.

  9. William Gore Avatar
    William Gore

    NICE! Adrenaline is coursing through my veins right now. Can’t wait to try this out at home.

  10. JR Avatar

    All my eyes go to is that black shape on the right side of his right arm other then that this is a sweet tutorial thank you for sharing your mad skills

  11. ABHIMANYU Avatar

    awesome……. but have doubts… if you could provide a video tutorial it would be worth watching and learning……. :)

  12. rafatul Avatar

    Great editing
    I like this post

  13. Marcos Sandro Avatar
    Marcos Sandro

    Undoubtedly the tutorials you in handling fotografais are the best of the website would love to if I baber podeira copies some tutorials to put on my website sintando the source

  14. michal Avatar

    Panie Darku super robota. Jedyne ‘ale’ to latajace korzenie , cegly itp. Ogolnie bardzo fajnie i “czysto” wytlumaczone kroki. Jesli to mozliwe, w przyszlosci c hetnie skorzystam z Pana wiedzy. prosze o kontakt. pozdrawiam

  15. maung Avatar

    :D……Thank You!…….I love photoshop & design.

  16. Kyochan Avatar

    The overall picture looks good and you obviously spent much effort on it, thank you :). But some highlights and shadows of dancer, parts of ground, roots, and flying bricks are wrong :).

    1. Dariusz Markiw Avatar
      Dariusz Markiw

      I always have a problem with it :) Thank you!

  17. Chaser Avatar

    This looks good but is so badly explained. You have steps that are lacking info and steps with unnecessary info. You don’t need to tell us to “change the blending mode to normal and opacity to 100%” because that’s done by default. Some instructions don’t even say anything… It just says what image and blending mode but goes into no detail what was done. Good picture but sorry the tut is bad

    1. Dariusz Markiw Avatar
      Dariusz Markiw

      Please tell me which part you do not understand, then I will fix it for you.

    2. Randall Normal Avatar
      Randall Normal

      I think you are being too picky. Obviously this is not intended for beginners.

      But I agree with you on the excessive info. You don’t need to tell people to set opacity to 100% when it’s already 100% by default. It’s annoying to read.

    3. Randall Normal Avatar
      Randall Normal

      And kudos to the author for offering to fix steps. Most people would get angry but you stayed cool

    4. Dariusz Markiw Avatar
      Dariusz Markiw

      I’ll keep that in mind! :)

  18. Ana Sousa Avatar
    Ana Sousa

    Very nice job! Thanks.

    1. Darek Avatar

      Fantastic work!!!

    2. Dariusz Markiw Avatar
      Dariusz Markiw

      Thank you!

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