Learn how to this surreal photo manipulation of Blade Runner on an interior skyscraper with Photoshop In this lesson, you learn to work with the transformation of objects and blend modes for them. Composition and construction work on the cloning of elements. Realistic change in space and adding the effect of movement. Throughout the tutorial, you’ll learn techniques that will help you create better matte paintings and photo manipulations.
What you’ll be creating
Start creating photo manipulation by adding warships and work on the model. Then begin to create the effects of destruction and adding bullets shattered glass. At the end, add adjustment layers and special effects.You’ll need any version of Photoshop, inspiration, good mood, turn on your favorite music and take a cup of tea :)

Tutorial Resources
- Glass Shatter– 9j1kabir
Broken Glass Brushes– archaii(Alternative)Model– jagged-eye(Alternative0- The glass ceiling– stirlace-stock
- Bullet storm– mariasemelevich
- Big lens and optical flare– dawiiz
- Ship– mysticmorning
- Textures Triangles– So-ghislaine
Step 1
Before you start, download all the material in one place. So it will be easier to work with them. Open Photoshop and start by creating! Open the image of the building. Go to File > New or the short key Cmd/Ctrl+ O and select the image of the building.

Step 2
Add flying warships. To do this, go to File > Place… and select the picture with the ship.

Step 3
Duplicate ship 2 times (the short key Cmd/Ctrl+ J) and merge all layers with the ships in one group (the short key Cmd/Ctrl+ G). Time to work, we do not interfere with the other ships in the Layers palette, click on the eye icon beside the desired layer. This will make it invisible.

Step 4
Reduce the size of the first ship, transforming him (the short key Cmd/Ctrl+ T). Reduce it so that it was slightly less than the window. To transform the ship proportional hold Shift and drag the corner. Rotate the image by an angle 13, 55.

Step 5
Now Flip Vertical second ship, the slope and slightly reduce its size. Press Cmd/Ctrl+ T to transform the ship. Then without applying changes, click RMB and from the drop down list, select “Flip Horizontal” or go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontally. Rotate the image by an angle – 12, 26. Press Enter to apply the changes.

Step 6
Now take the remaining layer is not change for altars and transfer group. To do this grab the desired layer and drag until as shown in the picture.
23 responses to “Create an Intense “Blade Runner” Inspired Composition With Shattered Glass and Bullets”
I have the problem that the link for the model is not working can somebody please help me?
I added an alternative that you can use. It’s a different pose but should still work.
I have the problem that the link for the glass shatters is not working can someone please help me.
Thanks for letting us know about the link! It appears the artist took his stock offline but I’ve posted an alternative link to it.
Can someone please help me the link for the glass shatter images is not working I can´t find them. Hope somebody can send me a link that is working
Excellent Job … It requires lots of concentration and imaginative power to do such a composition … Hats of to you for this hard work ….
p[retyy nice lol this is amazing like wooww
amazing!! great to see the amazing work of great experienced art directors!!
Nice technique. Really useful…thanks for the post…
Всем привет! Все комменты не читал, может кто-то уже написал. Урок отличный! Только один недочёт, заметил всё-таки. Винты надо было по гаусу размыть. Я размыл их. А то, получается, верталёт летит а винты не крутятся, стоят. Спасибо за урок!!! Урок классный! :)
Спасибо большое! Я очень ценю это! Я старалась. Нет, вы первый :) С точки зрения реалистичности то все верно. Я не стала этого делать потому что много разных эффектов и винты почти не видно. Я очень рада, что вы сделали такое открытие! Значит мои старания были не напрасны! Будут вопросы, обращайтесь :) и спасибо большое еще раз!
I am currently working on this and I wanted to figure out in step 34 where you add a white to transparent gradient you show to select a gradient from black to white so I wanted to find out if this was a image error or ?
Hi! No there is not a black to white and white to transparent. Black can not be there. Look near numeral. This is my shortcoming in imposing numbers. Sorry. Thank you for your comment.
I did it here, thanks for the tutorial! :)
http://ednasnake.deviantart.com/art/Blade-Runner-454949929 -
it’s so cool
Amazing tutorial
Dear friends! Sorry for my mistake. Here are the correct links to the sources:
The glass ceiling — http://mariasemelevich.deviantart.com/art/The-Glass-Ceiling-451349783Ship —
http://mysticmorning.deviantart.com/art/In-Flight-stock-173857952Thank you very much for writing to me and brought to my attention! All pleasant study, good humor and inspiration!
Thank you Ahmad !
the image for the glass ceiling
Ñice but is more Matrix them Blade Runner.
Zora´s Death is full of Shattered Glass but you can´t see Deckards bullets.But yes it´s very cool
Thank you very much!I am very pleased! Yes indeed very similar :) Thanks for the criticism! I wanted to do something unusual. Because a combat fiction, you can do it all! I do not insist, as I did. This is just my version ilsh you can make your! I would very much like to see it!
“The glass ceiling” link is same as model also the link for the “ship” picture not working :) waiting for update.
Sorry for my mistake. Here are the correct links to the sources:
The glass ceiling — http://mariasemelevich.deviantart.com/art/The-Glass-Ceiling-451349783Ship —
http://mysticmorning.deviantart.com/art/In-Flight-stock-173857952Thank you very much for writing to me and brought to my attention!
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