
Step 65

Select (hold Shift) and move the layer with bullets and adjustment layers subgroup with glass fragments.


Step 66

Now you need apply to correctly the shadows. To do this, create a new layer (Cmd/Ctrl+ Shift +N) the menu that appears, set the settings as shown in the figure. Use Dodge Tool (O) to draw bright light parts and use Burn Tool (O) to draw the dark areas and shadows.


Step 67

Try to maximize image contrast is achieved. Set the settings for both instruments such. Was the main model, because the atmosphere is ready.


Step 68

Here’s how I dealt light and shadow.


Step 69

Now route the light and shade for ships. Be sure to create a new layer position it as shown in the figure. To make it easier to work, hide all the layers by clicking on the competition in the eyes of the Layers panel, except for the group with the ships and facilities.


Step 70

Try to maximize image contrast is achieved. The Dodge Tool (O) and Burn Tool (O) settings remain the same. Here’s how I dealt light and shadow.


Step 71

Here is the work at this stage with all open layers.


Step 72

Now duplicate the vignettes that make for a bullet and move the very first, as shown in Figure.


Step 73

Need to create a contrast image. So, create Color Balance adjustment layer. Set settings how show on Figure.


Step 74

Note that this adjustment layer as a vignette effect on the whole picture! Here is the result after adding the adjustment layer.


Step 75

It seems to me that the work is missing something – something resembling the nanostructure :). So I decided to add a whimsical and fantastic texture. Let’s get started! Go to File > Place… and select file with texture crystal lattice.


Step 76

Now pull them almost the entire area of the picture. Move it slightly to the right.


Step 77

Duplicate the texture layer (the short key Cmd/Ctrl+ J). Now you need to rotate it on an angle 180. Go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 180.


Step 78

Move this layer to upper left corner as shown in Figure.


Step 79

Add to top layer with texture layer mask and remove the middle. Change the opacity to 50% of each layer.


Step 80


Now combine these two layers (the short key Cmd/Ctrl+ E), and add layer mask to this layer. Set Brush Tool (B) with settings: Size: 100px. Hardness: 0% Opacity: 100% flow: 100% and remove center.

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23 responses to “Create an Intense “Blade Runner” Inspired Composition With Shattered Glass and Bullets”

  1. Ethan Avatar

    I have the problem that the link for the model is not working can somebody please help me?

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      I added an alternative that you can use. It’s a different pose but should still work.

  2. Elena Sophia Avatar
    Elena Sophia

    I have the problem that the link for the glass shatters is not working can someone please help me.

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      Thanks for letting us know about the link! It appears the artist took his stock offline but I’ve posted an alternative link to it.

  3. Elena Sophia Avatar
    Elena Sophia

    Can someone please help me the link for the glass shatter images is not working I can´t find them. Hope somebody can send me a link that is working

  4. Harry Avatar

    Excellent Job … It requires lots of concentration and imaginative power to do such a composition … Hats of to you for this hard work ….

  5. mashell Avatar

    p[retyy nice lol this is amazing like wooww

  6. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    amazing!! great to see the amazing work of great experienced art directors!!

  7. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Nice technique. Really useful…thanks for the post…

  8.  Avatar

    Всем привет! Все комменты не читал, может кто-то уже написал. Урок отличный! Только один недочёт, заметил всё-таки. Винты надо было по гаусу размыть. Я размыл их. А то, получается, верталёт летит а винты не крутятся, стоят. Спасибо за урок!!! Урок классный! :)

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Спасибо большое! Я очень ценю это! Я старалась. Нет, вы первый :) С точки зрения реалистичности то все верно. Я не стала этого делать потому что много разных эффектов и винты почти не видно. Я очень рада, что вы сделали такое открытие! Значит мои старания были не напрасны! Будут вопросы, обращайтесь :) и спасибо большое еще раз!

  9. Reece Avatar

    I am currently working on this and I wanted to figure out in step 34 where you add a white to transparent gradient you show to select a gradient from black to white so I wanted to find out if this was a image error or ?

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Hi! No there is not a black to white and white to transparent. Black can not be there. Look near numeral. This is my shortcoming in imposing numbers. Sorry. Thank you for your comment.

  10. Ednasnake Avatar

    I did it here, thanks for the tutorial! :)

  11. sadkf Avatar

    it’s so cool

  12. Rajni Setia Avatar
    Rajni Setia

    Amazing tutorial

  13. Maria Semelevich Avatar
    Maria Semelevich

    Dear friends! Sorry for my mistake. Here are the correct links to the sources:
    The glass ceiling —

    Ship —

    Thank you very much for writing to me and brought to my attention! All pleasant study, good humor and inspiration!

  14. Jenny_from_Mars Avatar

    Thank you Ahmad !

  15. José Gonçalves Avatar
    José Gonçalves

    Ñice but is more Matrix them Blade Runner.
    Zora´s Death is full of Shattered Glass but you can´t see Deckards bullets.

    But yes it´s very cool

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you very much!I am very pleased! Yes indeed very similar :) Thanks for the criticism! I wanted to do something unusual. Because a combat fiction, you can do it all! I do not insist, as I did. This is just my version ilsh you can make your! I would very much like to see it!

  16. Ahmad Avatar

    “The glass ceiling” link is same as model also the link for the “ship” picture not working :) waiting for update.

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Sorry for my mistake. Here are the correct links to the sources:
      The glass ceiling —

      Ship —

      Thank you very much for writing to me and brought to my attention!

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