On “Satin” tab set Blend Mode “Screen”, Opacity: 13%, Distance: 73px, Size: 122px. and click OK to apply styles.


Step 20

Now on the first layer paint drops. Using the brush we created earlier with white color. Try not to drop merged into one big spot. Reduce the size of the brush to make smaller drops. It is not necessary to draw everything on one layer. I created two more layers with the same settings from the previous step and drew a bigger drop and long. Draw a drop on clothing and model’s weapon. The main thing do not overdo it and do not make too big a drop, you’ll lose the realism of the image. Group all model’s layers into one group “Model” (Cmd/Ctrl + G or Layer > Group Layers).


Step 21

Here we come to the last part of our photo manipulation, namely, the effects of the environment and correction. Create a new group by clicking on icon “Create a new group” icon and new layer in it. First I added bokeh. Use brush from Step 18 but much larger (120 – 250px) and Opacity around 50% with colors #ffffff, #86bcd8 and #193958. Draw bokeh in the upper left and lower right corners, set Blending Mode to “Screen”, Opacity around 40%, Fill around 25%.


Add a bit of smoke in the foreground, the model fit into the overall environment. Create a new layer and use techniques from a second paragraph on Step 11. Use large brush to create realistic texture.


Step 22

To finish with atmospheric effects create rain. Hold Opt/Alt and click on “Create a new layer” icon. In window that appear, set Mode: Screen and check box on “Fill with Screen – neutral color (Black)”. Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and set Amount around 30, Gaussian, Monochromatic.


Next add some blur to make the falling drops large and visible. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur… Set Radius 1.0 pixel. Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur… Set Angle: -75, Distance: 25px.


Step 23

Transform this layer (Cmd/Ctrl + T or Edit > Free Transform) and increase Scale proportionally (click on the “link” icon between values) to 150%. Add an adjustment layer “Levels” and make clipping mask from it (Cmd/Ctrl + Opt/Alt + G). Set following values to each slider: Black: 41, Gray: 0.83, White: 106.

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27 responses to “Create This Magnificent Sniper Artwork in Photoshop”

  1. Yu Avatar

    Great tutorial but the skyscraper link goes to a search result rather than the image used in this tutorial

  2. Zak Kogut Avatar
    Zak Kogut

    Anton, you should download some of her PSD files so you can see what’s she’s doing. It’ll help you learn PS faster.

    1. Anton Townsend Avatar
      Anton Townsend

      Yea thanks. I’m gonna definitely check this out

  3. Chris Avatar

    Great Tutorial. Ive been working on my weaknesses, and photo manipulation is one of them. I never even used some of the adjustment techniques in this, so that was a real eye opener. Camera Raw was really cool. Very powerful.

  4. Divair L Rosa Avatar
    Divair L Rosa

    Thank you very much for this tutoria! I gave it a try and submited it here: http://dilarosa.deviantart.com/art/Meanwhile-in-the-rain-589781746 with due credit :D

  5. Jo Avatar

    I couldn’t find the skyscraper image from the link provided

  6. John Fortress Avatar
    John Fortress

    WOW. These comments are amazing. Did anyone even do the tutorial? How about the part with the first step where you have to download the skyscraper image, and how it’s not actually available in the link provided…. ? Do we just try with another image that looks kinda similar? Is this tutorial meant to be a “rough guide” ?

  7. David Ewing Avatar
    David Ewing

    I’m looking forward to trying this exercise out with some of my students.

  8. Allure Avatar

    This kind of work is common, there are several works in this style.

    It would be very interesting if the owner of the website to publish creative tutorials.

  9. David Stewart Avatar
    David Stewart

    For goodness sake why a gun? Such barbarity and not anything to celebrate or glorify. Go take a picture of something less banal and more inspirational.

  10. Nirmalya Sengupta Avatar
    Nirmalya Sengupta

    This is simply wonderful composite work…just one correction she’s not a Sniper as she’s carrying a customized M4 Assault Rifle with Reflex sight & Sound Suppressor attachment..

  11. Maria Semelevich Avatar
    Maria Semelevich

    Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy, And what’s the similar here – rain?

  12. Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy Avatar
    Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy

    Long Ago, i made a project that is similar to this.
    You can view all the process in the photo Album + the photo description


    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      And what’s the similar here – rain?

    2. Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy Avatar
      Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy

      maybe the model :) .

    3. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Oops! By the way here is a small list of artworks that were long time ago previous to your artwork and they are very similar to your. http://nenoc2.deviantart.com/art/Demonia-Web-387514487?ga_submit_new=10%253A1374561982%29

    4. Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy Avatar
      Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy

      Maybe because they used the same stock which is a model on deviantArt :) .
      and she allows others to use her photos.

    5. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Kayla Davion is one, but the characters are different.

    6. Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy Avatar
      Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy

      I don’t get why you are panicking :)

    7. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      When a man rolls up to a lie, he loses his face. I panic because there are no more men.

    8. Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy Avatar
      Mahmoud Ibrahim ElKasrawy

      No, you are showing 2 things by that attitude.
      – you Need to grow up
      – you have no self confidence :)

      There is nothing in the world says to attack others work in order to maintain yours. :)

      Although if you just focused alittle. if i say that i did something similar , it would mean that i like yours.

      but as i said. you just need to mentally grow up (Y)

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