
Here is the result. The background of the image is selected. However, some parts of the tree is selected as well. We should repair this.


What we do now is repairing the selection on the tree. While the selection is still active on the image, go again to select > edit in quick mask mode.


In quick mask mode, the tree image is highlighted by red color meaning that the part is not selected except some parts as pointed with black arrows in the screenshot. Now we will fix the parts. Take the brush tool in the tool panel. Choose a hard round brush with size set according to the areas to be stroked. With black color, paint over the tree image especially the parts to be fixed. We can use a small spatter brush to paint the edges of the leaves. When the selected parts are stroked by black brush, they will be highlighted with red. If it just happens that the strokes are overlapping, we can stroke white brush to the overlapped parts.


When we have finished the repairing, go back again to Select in menu bar and uncheck the Edit in Quick Mask Mode to create normal selection.


Hit shift+Ctrl+I to inverse the selection. Finally hit Ctrl+J to duplicate the selection into a new single layer.


Step 39

Add the tree to the main scene. Place it on the right side of the scene. Scale its size to fit the composition. Give it two adjustment layers: hue/saturation and photo filter. Set the hue/saturation to normal at 90% opacity and photo filter to normal at 100% opacity.


Step 40

Proceed to add another tree behind the foreground rock. We will use the tree brushes to achieve this purpose. Make sure we have downloaded and saved the brushes in a folder. Take the brush tool. Open the brush picker box and click the small triangle in the box to open the brush option box. Choose load brushes… We will be led to the folder where we have saved the brushes. Choose the tree brushes and load them.


There will be the tree brushes in the brush picker. Choose one of the tree brushes.


On a new layer, paint the tree by clicking the brush..

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27 responses to “How to Create a Marvellous Night Landscape with Waterfalls”

  1. Zack Avatar

    the download link won’t work

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      Thanks Zach! It’s fixed now

  2. Ale Sau Avatar
    Ale Sau

    Very awesome tut here. Sometimes I wanna make my images a little more “fantasy”, but I always feel like I lack the creativity.

  3. Chris Ford Avatar
    Chris Ford


  4. Joseline Josef Avatar
    Joseline Josef

    i am triying to remove background

  5. Hex Avatar

    Great article! Thank you!

  6. web3rab Avatar

    thank you

  7. Bobbi Avatar

    I was unable to get the 2 waterfalls as my security wont let me and the Rock6 was not sure which one you wanted…really want to learn this but am having issues ~ thank you

  8. jspanda Avatar

    wooooooooooooowwwww awesome

  9. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    awesome and unique collection of sequence photography i love it.
    Thank for sharing.

  10. megan Avatar

    sorry, i didnt get step 16…i hit -100 on HS but the color changed to totally black n white! whats wrong?

  11. Yousef Avatar

    this is what we call it “creative mind”

  12. Mike Avatar

    This is amazing! I’m going to try it out soon! Thanks Dek.

  13. Snehal Avatar


  14. stampajoe Avatar

    You did an excellent job of step by step tutorial with pics which helped me understand why and the reason for each.
    Thanks ;)

  15. davidz Avatar

    I like your tutorial a lot!

    But, sorry if it sounds dumb, how do i copy-paste the cut out into the main document (step 3)? It doesn´t work with ctrl+c/ctrl+v…

    1. Dek Wid Avatar
      Dek Wid

      firstly select the cut out (hold-press Ctrl and click the thumbnail of the cut out layer. when it is selected, hit Ctrl+C and then be active on the main document, paste (ctrl+v) the layer on it.

  16. cris Avatar

    very good tutorial I love your technique

  17. roney Avatar

    thanks for share

  18. malissimo Avatar

    Excelente tutorial, el modelo nolo encuentro, saludos desde España

    1. Okinta Avatar

      Hola malissimo,
      Aquí lo puedes encontrar:

      Un saludo desde Francia


      Btw, thank you for this tutorial. This is impressive. And I learnt new useful techniques.

  19.  Avatar

    how do you get of masking??????????

    1. Miller Avatar

      If you see red than press Q to get out of quick mask. If you dont see red, just click on the left thumbnail of your layer… the left one not the right thumbnail.

  20.  Avatar

    pathi thane sollirukinga

  21. Bassam Avatar

    This is a magnificent masterpiece. Excellent explanation. Thank you very much.

  22. muhsin Avatar

    Duuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwanangu jembe unatisha kinoma

  23. sdfsdf Avatar

    I like yer tut… good

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