Add layer mask to remove the right side:

I name this layer “waterfall 1 part 1”.
Step 18
Copy a part from waterfall stock and position it at the top of waterfall 1. After making it as a Smart Object, I use Warp Tool to bend it:

I use layer mask to remove unnecessary parts and blend this part with part 1:

Step 19
To change color and darken these layers together, make them selected and hit Cmd/Ctrl+G to make group for them. Change the mode of this group from Pass Through (default group mode) to Normal 100%. Go to New Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Hue/Saturation:


We have result:

Because the mode of this group changed to Normal 100% so these adjustment layers only affect the layers inside this group (waterfall 1 ones).
Step 20
Extract waterfall 2 and move it to the left rock after flipping it horizontally and use layer mask to remove unwanted parts:

I add two adjustment layers (Hue/Saturation and Curves) to match color and brightness of this waterfall with the rest.

On Curves layer mask, I use soft black brush to erase the top part of the waterfall as it gets light more than the bottom:

Step 21
Open trees 1 stock. First I remove most of background from the tree using Channels. Then I copy some tree parts to paste into the mid rocks, remember to convert them to Smart Object before resizing:

You can use layer mask to remove unwanted parts.
Step 22
Make group for these trees as done with waterfall 1. I use a Curves layer to darken and change color these trees as they’re too bright:

I use soft black brush and paint on the left of a tree as it should get some light from sky:

Step 23
Open arch 1 stock. Take the part of the arch and place it at the middle part of mid rocks after converting it to Smart Object, flipping horizontally and transforming it using Cmd/Ctrl+T. I use layer mask to remove the sides of it and make it blended with the rocks:

Step 24
I use Hue/Saturation and Color Balance layers (Clipping Mask) to change color of this arch.

Step 25
Isolate ruin 1 and locate it at the top of the mid rocks. As usual, I convert it to Smart Object and downsize it to fit:
22 responses to “How to Create a Mountainous Matte Painting in Photoshop”
bhai iski photoshop file bhej do kam urgent
it`s not sxc.hu but scx.hu existed while the linked did`nt worked.
Thank you, this has been a real help
Очень замечательный урок!:) Делаю с огромным удовольствием!:) Правда остановился на 33 шаге, не могу сообразить где эта часть горы которую нужно вставить в правый угол на передний план. Уже измучился и не пойму как тут разобраться:) Просидел над этим куском горы уже весь день:)) Неужели тут придётся вырисовывать… так скажем проявить смекалку…)
ur all amazing i wanna give u all hugs!!!!
Thank you very much:)
how to download this video
Beautiful, creative and acutely enjoy able!
Great, thanks for all the helpful info!
please, you might place the images: Background mountain y Bottom right rock ?
thank you very much :)
nice tutorial
I don’t understand where have you found (seen) the steps in this tut.?
sorry, but I can’t see them(
hope you help me
That’s amaging tutorial and I feel happy
I really fell happy.
This tutorial is amazing. Thanks Ms. Le
Really nice and very useful. Thank you very much….
Really nice and fun to work with. I’m very nooby at photoshop and I learnt a lot from this.
thanks machan…….
good buy….. -
Amazing tutorial
nice tutorials…thanksss
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