Use Free Transform Tool (Cmd/Ctrl + T or Edit > Free Transform). Right-click and from the drop-down list use two tools “Skew” and “Distort”. With “Skew” you can put the layer on a plane of the river and with the help of “Distort” correct perspective. Hold Opt/Alt + Shift keys and move to the center top right point. Move the bottom right point from the center to the push forward layer. With “Distort” use only the upper and lower midpoints. Lower the top mid-point to the horizon, the lowest point, lift to the edge of the working area. Try to match the perspective of the image.

Add a layer mask to this layer (“Add a layer mask” icon at the bottom of Layer panel or go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All). Use a black brush on this mask and remove fog layer edge and some fog from foreground plants.

Step 36
Repeat the previous step and create another layer of fog. For this layer, a little bit down the value of Opacity to 65%, Fill to 70%.

Step 37
Draw little fireflies in the leaves at the top of the image and on the plant. Use white color for drawing. Try not to overdo it and not to occupy the center of the image. Also, you do not need to do a large number of large fireflies.

Step 38
To make your fireflies glow, add “Inner Glow” and “Outer Glow” style (“Fx” icon at the bottom of layer panel or go to Layer > Layer Style > Inner Glow/Outer Glow) to a layer with the settings like shown in images below. You can try other colors if you want.

Step 39
Another layer of fireflies in the rear plane. Use # 5a4958 color and add a 1.0 pixels “Gaussian Blur” (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) to soften the edges. Merge all layers with fireflies and fog in the same group (Cmd/Ctrl + G), and change Blending Mode to “Screen”.

Step 40
Create a new adjustment layer “Selective Color” over the group “Foreground” (Black & white circle at the bottom of Layer panel or go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color…). Go to color “Greens” and set Cyan -100, Magenta: +96, Yellow: -69, Black: +17. As can be seen from the configuration, I added a bit of warmth in the color green and darken it a little bit.
12 responses to “Create a Night Fairy Tale of a Mysterious Girl in Photoshop”
Great Tutorial Thank you!
Good photo editing skills.
Really nice best
Nice Tutorial (Y)
Great tutorial! I’ve done almost all manipulation tutorials online and this one is very nice. It used some different techniques I haven’t explored. On step 23, what color do we use on the dress? Mine just says “#”
same here. i just used black and i think it worked out nicely :)
nice working ,, thank you
Thanks a lot for uploading the tutorial. Nice work!
how much percent dodg and burn brother
on the model brother
how much percent dodge and burn sory my bad english
Hi, use about 10 – 25% for Dodge and Burn tools. If needed increase this value.
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