Add a layer mask (“Add Layer Mask” button in the layers panel or Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All) to this image and with black color brushed all cut and unnecessary parts. Try to mix these images on a layer mask by reducing brush “Opacity”.


Step 7

Now back to the trees and to give them some attention. On the leaves were bright white highlights and should weaken their intensity. Create a new layer by press “Create a new layer” icon or use Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + N, change Blending Mode to “Multiply”. With Eyedropper Tool (I) set from leaves shadow foreground color and with soft round brush (Size: 100 – 200px, Opacity: 20%) brushed all highlights on both sides of the image. If you find that the foliage looks a bit smoky, decrease “Fill” of this layer (in my case Fill: 80%).


Step 8

After I created the necessary background, I can add the model. This does not mean that we are done with the background. Place into working document image “anett_frozen_ice_queen_by_anettfrozen-d4kdpjw”. Use Pen Tool(P) to create a flat path of a model. Make a selection from the path by clicking on the “Make Selection” button on the tool properties panel. Set Feather Radius to 0 and click OK. Add a layer mask (“Add Layer Mask” button or Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal Selection) to remove the background.


Step 9

To get rid of the background on the lace use “Mask Edge…” (as in Step 3) and brushed lace several times. Checkmark “Smart Radius” and Radius around 1.6px, Shift Edge to -10. After that, you stay need to clean some parts manually in order not to lose the details. Use Brush Tool (B), right-click to get the Context Brush Panel. Select the Hard Round to brush preset, and set the brush Size 50 – 100px and Hardness to 100%. Clean up bird cages and model’s crown on a layer mask.


Step 10

After cleaning the model, I added a bit of correction to an image to improve the quality of the photo and adjust the color of the image. Use “Camera Raw” filter (Filter > Camera Raw or use Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + A) with there settings: Exposure: +0.15, Contrast: -10, Highlights: -2, Shadows: 0, Whites: -5, Blacks: 0, Clarity: +19.

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12 responses to “Create a Night Fairy Tale of a Mysterious Girl in Photoshop”

  1. Tonya Johnson Avatar
    Tonya Johnson

    Great Tutorial Thank you!

  2.  Avatar

    Good photo editing skills.

  3.  Avatar

    Really nice best

  4. PhotoshopdesaiN.com Avatar

    Nice Tutorial (Y)

  5. Tyson Avatar

    Great tutorial! I’ve done almost all manipulation tutorials online and this one is very nice. It used some different techniques I haven’t explored. On step 23, what color do we use on the dress? Mine just says “#”

    1. Jennifer Avatar

      same here. i just used black and i think it worked out nicely :)

  6. Dixit Mandanka Avatar
    Dixit Mandanka

    nice working ,, thank you

  7. Bao Duong Avatar
    Bao Duong

    Thanks a lot for uploading the tutorial. Nice work!

  8. TT Avatar

    how much percent dodg and burn brother

    1. TT Avatar

      on the model brother

  9. TT Avatar

    how much percent dodge and burn sory my bad english

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Hi, use about 10 – 25% for Dodge and Burn tools. If needed increase this value.

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