Step 14
Background ready and now we add depth of field. You will integrate all layers into one (except model layer) and work with it (Cmd/Ctrl + E, then convert it in Smart Object), or create a merged copy (Cmd/Ctrl + Opt/Alt + Shift + E) and convert it to Smart Object. I used the second method, in case you suddenly need to make a change in the overall composition. Now the depth of field. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set Radius: 5.5 pixels.

Select Smart filter layer mask, Take a Gradient Tool (G) with default black & white gradient, Mode: Linear and gradient on it, roughly from the bottom to the waist of a model.

Step 15
Add the main spot of color. It is necessary to focus the viewer on the main character. Add adjustment layer “Gradient Fill” with following gradient #020202 > #3e2d56 > #816e8a > #c4b3c7 > #ecdaef, Mode: Radial, Scale: 200%, Reverse. Set Blending Mode to “Soft Light”, Opacity around 72%, Fill around 73%.

Create a new layer above gradient layer and set Blending Mode to “Soft Light”. Take a Brush Tool (B) with form: soft round, Opacity: 30%, color: # 19294a. Brushed background trees in the left – center side of image.

Step 16
It remains only to add effects to the lilies and the background is ready. But it’s a little later. First, you need to complete the overall composition. Create a new group by using the “Create a new group” icon at the bottom of the Layer panel and name it “foreground”. First, add the “Water plant” image (File > Place…/Place Embedded) in the “foreground” group. The images in the format PNG (without a background) so you just have to change the size and position them where you like. To make a large bush, duplicate the layer (Cmd/Ctrl + J or Layer > Duplicate Layer…), reduce its size, flip horizontal (Cmd/Ctrl + T) and place it under the layer with the main plant.

Step 17
Repeat the same with the images “Foliage 1”, “Foliage 2”, “Foliage 3”. First, I added the picture “Foliage 2”, flip it horizontally (Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal) and is located in the upper right corner. Then the next image “Foliage 3” and “Foliage 1”. To remove the cut edge of the image, add a layer mask to the right layers and black brush clean edges (only try to make it invisible).
12 responses to “Create a Night Fairy Tale of a Mysterious Girl in Photoshop”
Great Tutorial Thank you!
Good photo editing skills.
Really nice best
Nice Tutorial (Y)
Great tutorial! I’ve done almost all manipulation tutorials online and this one is very nice. It used some different techniques I haven’t explored. On step 23, what color do we use on the dress? Mine just says “#”
same here. i just used black and i think it worked out nicely :)
nice working ,, thank you
Thanks a lot for uploading the tutorial. Nice work!
how much percent dodg and burn brother
on the model brother
how much percent dodge and burn sory my bad english
Hi, use about 10 – 25% for Dodge and Burn tools. If needed increase this value.
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