Add image sky File > Place.

Transform it to fit the document. Then, to remove the sharp transition between the background and a new heaven, add a layer mask:

Step 8
Choose a brush and set with the settings: Size: 500px, Hardness: 0%, Opacity: 50% Flow: 100%.

Step 9
Required Click D on keyboard to restore color and black painting on the layer mask, removing the sharp transition of the sky to the horizon.

Done! At this stage, the scene is complete. I am satisfied with the brightness of the sky and a smooth transition and the resulting scene. Here is how it should turn out. Do not forget to save your work process result hitting the short keys Ctrl+ S! Getting to the creation of the road playing cards!
Step 10
Download playing cards. Opening playing cards stocks in Photoshop by hitting the short keys Ctrl+ O or File > Open. This will lead us to the folder in the computer where we have saved the image.

Step 11
Next, we will cut out playing cards of the image. Take the lasso tool in the tool panel. We will use this tool to cut out the part.

Step 12
Highlight the desired card and press Refine Edge. Change the blending mode to Overlay (V).
So you can see where you select the unwanted piece of playing card and highlight deficiencies in the form of a white background. You can remove them by selecting the brush in this window.
Now set the settings as shown in the photo to remove the bumps and smooth edge selection.

After applying, copy Ctrl+ C cards and go to document our work.
Step 13
Create a group. Click on the Layers panel and call it “Cards”.
There insert the card. Pressing Ctrl+ V.

Step 14
After you move all the cards to the project, start them from the road. Put a few cards in the bottom left corner. You can change the size and slope hitting the short keys Ctrl+ T.

For ease of installation, unnecessary layers can turned off by clicking on the eye icon in the Layers panel. To put the right card over the other, move the layer to the desired card above the lower card. To do this, in the Layers palette, select the desired layer, grab it and move it up or down.
43 responses to “Create a Photo Manipulation of Alice in Wonderland”
I want to edit like Alice creat
hei i love your work its fantastic it gives me the oppotunity to learn Photoshop. any who based on your work how would you analyze the creation in terms of color harmony or its balance or the principle of art or its design
Great Tutorial thank you!
But some of the Pictures seem to be broken. :-/ -
Awesome! The best photoshop tut page of the world! Thanks
Thank you , i had a few problems here and there im still a noob i used my daughter for the model
I followed this tutorial and it turned out amazing! Thank you so much for this <3
Thanks , a great help
she and ‘very good and very clear explanations … congratulations
Great tutorial and fun image. Thank you.
thank you, it s fantastique.
How do you get the clouds above the cards please?
To make it you need add a Layer Mask ( Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All or use button on Layer panel) to cards layer and use Brush tool (B) (I use soft round brush ) remove necessary pieces of cards in accordance with the relief of the clouds. That’s all.
Thank you for the great tutorial! It has been very helpful to see a few techniques in action.
Absolutely beautiful works.. This is what called “Creativity”.
awesome tutorial! THANKS!!! I learned so much.
Thanks very much!! I love this ;)
Otzien harasho! Dobraya rabota! spasiba
Nice tutorial!
Very nice tutorial
no comment
Very easy to follow-thank you!
Thank you very much! I am very pleased!
I tried to make a simple tutorial. So that everyone could repeat it and understand a little bit with the possibilities of Photoshop.
This is beautiful it that you made by photo shop, i want to learn though you sir i request you please would you teach me like profession.
thanks for the tip really need it ^_^
Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that!
The work was great, but I hope useful.Soon in this site will still be my tutorial. Invite view them :)
Thanks for the great review!
I finished this project 2 Days ago! I have to say this has really helped me get back into photoshop, I haven’t used it in over 5-6 years so this taught me QUITE A BIT!
Heres my final result! It could use a few touchups but let me know what you think :) Thanks Again!
Oh! I am very glad that you came in handy and helped my lesson to refresh your knowledge and skills. It’s okay that you did this painting for 2 days. It’s so much that immediately and not make out :) I watched your work and I liked it! The only thing that can remove a little shadow on the model in the area of contact between the legs and maps. Make a little not brighter. In general, I liked it! Thank you very much for your beautiful work, patience and good comment. I am very pleased! Once again thank you very much!
NVM! i figured it out! I hadn’t downloaded the High-Rez version of the resources
I’m glad you’re paying attention to quality. Try in the future to download all the resources in good quality. Remember, in the transformation of Object in Photoshop, the picture may be of poor quality, if it is to stretch very much. Good luck in the works!
Hello! I just have a question :)
When I stretch the initial Sky/cloud resource it becomes extremely pixelated is this normal? Its really blocky so I’m not sure if im doing something wrong or not haha
Any advice would be great! Thanks :)-
Hi! It is normal to become pixel photo and loses its quality. You add the image as a smart object so the quality after transforming back. I hope you could do it! Good luck to you! Have questions, please write. I’m happy to answer them!
Impressive work
Thank you ever so much!
This is the best photoshop tutorial-
Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that!
Thanks for the great review!
Thanks u so much :x
You’re very welcome! I hope this tutorial will be useful for you. Thanks for the comment!
You’re awesome, thank you
I share-
Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that! I hope that this lesson will be useful for you and will bring a lot of fun!
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