Step 29
Open the file “Underwater2”. Select all and copy paste into our underwater group. Change the blending mode to Soft Light.

Step 30
Open the file “Bubbles”. Select all and copy/paste in our underwater group. Change the blending mode to Overlay.

Step 31
Create a new Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and place it inside the underwater group. Change the Hue to -22 to change the hue of the water to a more pleasant one.

Step 32
Open the file “Water Surface”. Select all and copy paste in our scene. Desaturate the layer (Image > Adjustments > Desaturate) and convert it to a smart object. Place the water surface as shown below.

Step 33
Click on the surface layer in the layer palette and press Ctrl + G to add it to a group. Add a layer mask to the group and using the same techniques we used at steps 27 and 28 to reveal the surface only where it should be as shown below. Name the group Surface.

Step 34
Create a new layer and place it inside the Surface group. Set a nice blue as foreground color (#468ff2) and press Alt + Backspace to fill the layer with that color. Change the blending mode of the layer to Color.

Step 35
Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and place it inside the Surface layer. Change the hue to -14.

Step 36
Create a new layer and change the blending mode to Overlay. With the standard round soft brush at 10% Opacity paint some white shading in the middle of the surface.

Step 37
Use the Pen Tool to create a selection as shown below. Create a new layer (or more) and change their blending modes to Overlay for lighten effects and Multiply for darkening effects. Paint with the round soft brush very subtly with white in the center of the selection and with black on the margins of the selection.

Step 38
Do the same thing for the left side of the water. As you can see I am using multiple layers for flexibility.

Step 39
Create a new layer and draw a vertical line right over the corner of the water with the standard chalk brush (2px size). Lower the opacity to 49%. As you remember from previous steps you can either click on the start point with chalk brush and Shift-click on the end point of the desired line.
15 responses to “How to Create a Realistic Water Cube in Photoshop”
Well – a floating island… -.-
so fantastic (Y)
cool with good aesthetic.
Amazing tutorial!
Sorry correct link is here: https://www.photoshoptutorials.ws/photoshop-tutorials/photo-manipulation/create-realistic-water-cube-photoshop/
thank you…works perfect now :)
Do have video?
hi dear
I have the same problem
I got the same error…
i can’t open up this tut…says it has to many redirects or there is a problem with the server…any other people having the same issue?
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