Create this warm and sensual photo manipulation by combining photos, blending them, and adding a warm color effect. This tutorial will cover advanced photo manipulation techniques such as quick masking, color matching, and nondestructive dodging and burning.

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Step 1

Open the model stock.

Step 2

As you can see the picture has the photographer’s tag at the bottom. We are going to remove it! Let’s grab the Clone Stamp Tool. Click the ALT button close to the area you want to clone. A kind of viewfinder will appear. Now brush over the area to clone.You will have to do it several times until the tag is removed. Remember to alt click close to the areas you want to recover or the result will be fake.

Step 3

Let’s go to select the part of the image we want: the lady and the tree. I did it with the Quick selection tool but you can do it with your favourite tool.

Step 4

This is not a perfect selection so we will refine it. Click the Mask Button I am showing you below.

Step 5

Below you can see what happened. The unwanted part is colored with red. Now we are going to refine the selection with a normal Brush. You will paint directly on the image with black or white. Painting with black will exclude from the selection the parts you brushed over. Painting with white will do the opposite thing.When you are happy with your selection you click the Mask button once again and you’ll have your perfect selection.

Step 6

Now you have to create a mask so that the unwanted part will disappear. To do so just click the Clipping Mask button and you will obtain what you want!TIP: To have a transparent background remember you have to unlock the Model layer or you will have a colored background.

Step 7

Now you have to do the same thing to delete the part close to her legs and at the bottom of the tree.Go over the mask we created for the Model layer and paint with black the unwanted part!

Step 8

I didn’t like the bottom part because I think it can catch people eye. Instead I want that people look at the model.So I painted with white on the clipping mask to make that part visible again.Then I cloned it like I did in Step 2.

Pages: 1 2 3 4

15 responses to “Create a Romantic and Warm Portrait Photo Manipulation in Photoshop”

  1.  Avatar

    Nice i want more tutorial step by step

  2. Robert van de Voort. Avatar
    Robert van de Voort.

    for that “copyright infringement” removal of logo I will not try this exercise as I refuse to use a photograph that is not in the public domain.
    Even when it is for “educational” reasons…

  3. Rebekka Avatar

    Wow! :(

    I normally love your tutorials and you do great work teaching and inspiring.
    But just removing a photographers logo??? You do know it is his or her property right? You can’t just “steal” it and remove the logo???! It’s there for a reason.
    You as an artistic company should know that and be on the side of the artists and not the big company’s who think they can just use everything they can possibly Google.

    I’m very very disappointed…

  4. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Nice illustrations, they make it really easy to scan the post for the important parts.

  5. arif Avatar

    good joob .. i like it

  6. Glen Avatar

    This is one beautiful tutorial and such an amazing finale!
    This is one tutorial I must have a go at above all others I’ve seen so far. I’ll definitely be visiting your own site shortly…. I can’t wait to see what’s in store.
    Thanks Fabrizio

  7.  Avatar


  8. Vaikarai Kannan Avatar
    Vaikarai Kannan

    Realy very nice create…

  9. Md Asad Mia Avatar
    Md Asad Mia

    Hi, Your Photoshop tutorial web site is very creative & effective learning site. I am looking this site.


  10. Mireille D Avatar
    Mireille D

    Thank you for this beautiful romantic portrait.
    My realization:

  11. m.sørensen Avatar

    <3 <3 <3
    thx 4 tuto!!

  12. dominico Avatar

    merci pour ce tutoriel ma participation


  13. oliverio Avatar

    author looks ok with artwork on deviantart

    “I used it here [link] Thx for the stock :)”
    “thanks you so much :hug:”

    and other artworks with tagremoval he said thank you
    safe to assume?

  14. Dianne Avatar

    You didn’t mention whether or not you have permission to remove the photographer’s tag. Apparently you don’t think it is necessary to provide that information. It is strangely important to me.

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