Drag a gradient from the bottom left to the top right corner.
Set the Blending mode for the Background Gradient to be “Soft Light”. Set the opacity to 80%

Step 8

Create a new layer. Go to Layer > New > Layer ( or press CTRL+ SHIFT+N ). Name it H1 and press OK. Now press the M key on your keyboard to activate the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Make a rectangle that has 300px in width and 30px in height. Press the G key on your keyboard to activate the Gradient tool. Open the gradient editor and create a gradient as it is shown in the image below. Now drag the gradient to fill the shape.In the end, press CTRL+D to deselect the shape.

Step 9

Make sure you have the H1 layer selected. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set the Radius to be 5px and press OK.
Make sure you have the H1 layer selected. Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Set the Angle to 0 and the Distance to be 350px and press OK.
Now press the M key on your keyboard to activate the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Drag a rectangle as it is shown in the image below. Make sure that it covers the shape almost in half. Then press the Delete key on your keyboard to delete half of the shape. That way you get a nice clean/sharp edge on the bottom, and a diffused/blurred shape on the top.

Step 10

Create a new layer. Go to Layer > New > Layer ( or press CTRL+ SHIFT+N ). Name it H2 and press OK. Now press the M key on your keyboard to activate the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Make a rectangle that has 300px in width and 60px in height. Press the G key on your keyboard to activate the Gradient tool. Open the gradient editor and create a gradient as it is shown in the image below. Now drag the gradient to fill the shape. In the end, press CTRL+D to deselect the shape.

Step 11

Repeat Step 9 for H2 Layer ( make sure to do exactly the same we did for H1 layer in step 9 ). The result is shown in the image below.

Step 12

Now lets position the H1 and H2 layer. They need to be close to each other. H1 layer will be moved more to the left and H2 more to the right. In the image below you can see how they are positioned. The 2 layers need to slightly touch but not a lot.

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10 responses to “Create a Space Flate Text Effect in Photoshop”

  1. Subham Saha Avatar
    Subham Saha

    the images are broken all time when I open this page

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      Fixed! Thanks

  2. BOSS Avatar

    How to download background image ?

  3. Miriam Avatar

    Thank you for the great tutorial. I made the front of my bdaycard :D

    1. Ile Avatar

      Not bad,not bad at all.

  4. Glenn Avatar

    verry good tutorial! Well done!

  5. Kwan Avatar

    It’s nice!

  6. MengHeang Hout Avatar

    how to create this text???

    1. Ile Avatar

      Simply follow the tutorial. If you are stuck at some of the steps just let me know which one is it and ill try to help you

    2. Jason Avatar

      You are so lame, read the instructions instead of commenting first.

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