Step 45

Let’s darken the scene to make look more mysterious. Create a Curves Adjustment Layer with the settings shown below. Paint with black in the layer mask over the island and the squid’s head.

Step 46

Create a new layer with the blending mode Overlay. Paint with a soft white brush at 20% opacity over the darker waves to boost their contrast.

Step 47

We need more attention for the action happening on the water so let’s darken the sky. Create a new Curves Adjustment Layer and drag the curve down to darken. Fill the layer mask with black and paint over the sky with white to reveal the curves effect.

Step 48

Let’s make the shark and the squid more bright. Create a new layer and change the blending mode to Overlay. With a white soft brush at 20% Opacity paint over the squid and the shark.

Step 49

Create a new layer and set the blending mode to Color Dodge. Paint with white a loose border around the shark and the squid.

Step 50

Import the Cloud brush. Create a new layer (or more layers) and paint some white clouds over the moon and over the island.

Step 51

On a new layer paint with white some mist over the island trees.

Step 52

Open the file “Nebula2”. Select all and copy/paste in our scene. Place the nebula as shown below.

Step 53

Change the blending mode of the nebula layer to Soft Light and lower the Opacity to 41%. Use the layer mask to hide the hard edges.

Final Results

Download the PSD

Unlucky Fisherman.zip| 102 MB

Tutorial by Johan Sandu

Well? Have you reached Photoshop enlightment? If you haven’t then don’t worry, me neither – I keep learning Photoshop every day. Have fun photoshoping!- Johan Sandu

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7 responses to “Create This Symbolic Underwater Scene of an Unlucky Fisherman and a Hungry Shark in Photoshop”

  1.  Avatar

    yhyh come on

  2. Teletubbie Avatar


  3. Mamyva Avatar

    Bastante largo, pero me encantó! Intentaré hacerlo poco a poco! Gracias!

  4. Shehan Avatar

    Very well explained tutorial.


  5. Sakura Avatar

    I didn’t find the Nebula2 in the resources. It’s not perfect, but I got this: http://s1.postimg.org/855ny4hfj/Unlucky_Fisherman.jpg
    With this tutorial, I got to know more about how to use the curves, especially custom-made. Thanks.

  6. Leon Avatar

    awesome tutorial man

  7. Photoshopdesain Avatar

    Nice Tutorial..!!!

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